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Information System for Employment in Slovenia

Subproject of INCO-Copernicus Project: 960154, cooperative research in information infrastructure (CRII)

The goal of this subproject is to design, maintain, modify, and extend the information system for employment in Slovenia towards Europe (current version under development is here). Items:
* Project Description (in Slovene)
* Project Description (in English)
* Project Team
* The (Un)Employment Problem Analyses
* Current System
* Plans, Modifications
* Research Techniques
* Deliverables/Tasks
* 1997 Annual Report
* 1998 Annual Report
* System Design Documentation
* Related Links

Project Description (in Slovene)

Cilj projekta je implementirati integrirani sistem za zaposlovanje v Sloveniji na Internetu. Sistem bo nudil prosta delovna mesta, iskalce dela ter povezovanje med prostimi delavci in prostimi delovnimi mesti. Sistem bo napisan v anglescini in bo omogocal povezovanje predvsem z Evropsko unijo. Razvoj bo sel v smeri navezovanja na standarde in forme EU, ter na povezovanje s sorodnimi institucijami po svetu. Pri izdelavi bo sodeloval in izvajanja nadzoroval Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje, slovenska drzavna institucija za zaposlovanje.

Uspeh projekta bo merjen po tem, ali bo sistem dejansko deloval, ali bo implementiran in v redni rabi, glede na stevilo uporabnikov, glede na stevilo funkcij in kolicino podatkov. Pomembno bo tudi mnenje Republiskega zavoda za zaposlovanje.

V Sloveniji je trenutno okoli 125.000 nezaposlenih, nezaposlenost pa predstavlja glede na ankete najpomembnejsi nacionalni problem. V preteklih letih so Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje, Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo in Institut Jozef Stefan s skupnim projektom implementirali prvo verzijo informacijskega sistema za zaposlovanje v slovenscini. Sistem je ze sedaj med zelo pogosto obiskanimi, potrebno pa ga bo modernizirati in dopolniti z novimi funkcijami.

Project Description (in English)

The goal of the project is to implement an integrated employment system for Slovenia on the Internet. The system will offer a list of free job positions, a list of job offers, and automatic matching between job seekers and job offerers. The system will support English language and thus enable cooperation and connection with European Union. The system will be designed in coordination with European standards and forms supporting connection with European projects and institutions. One of the project partners is the Slovenian Employment Service of Republic of Slovenia supervising the project.

The project success will be evaluated according to the actual every-days use of the system that we propose to implement. The evaluation will also take into account the number of Internet users, number of supported functions and the amount of collected data. The important evaluation criteria will be the evaluation provided by the Employment Service of Republic of Slovenia.

There are currently around 125,000 unemployed people in Slovenia, comprising 6.25% of the whole population. According to public polls investigation unemployment is regarded as one of the most important national problems in Slovenia. The first version of the employment system supports Slovenian language only and was implemented in a joint projects of the Employment Service of Republic of Slovenia, Slovenian ministry for science and technology and the J. Stefan Institute. The current system is already commonly used but needs improvements and upgrades.

Project Team

Department of intelligent systems at the Jozef Stefan Institute:
* M. Gams (head)
* A. Karalic
* M. Drobnic
* V. Krizman
* M. Grobelnik

Other groups: P. Golob

Employment Service of Republic of Slovenia: J. Glazer (director), A. Zizmond (coordinator), S. Pirher, T. Furlan and others.

Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Labour.

The (Un)Employment Problem Analyses

Public polls in Slovenia reveal that unemployment is regarded as the major national problem. With less than 2.000.000 inhabitants, over 120.000 of them are unemployed. There is an opportunity to upgrade existing information systems about employment opportunities in several functional characteristics, and adapt/extend it from Slovenian language, forms and standards to European community and standards. A system running through the Internet could offer two major advantages:

1. provide widely available information about employment opportunities

2. provide employment information in English language thus enabling flow of information and workers in the European Union which Slovenia is eager to join.

Employment Service of Republic of Slovenia is the principal national institution dealing with employment issues. The cooperation with the Jozef Stefan Institute is going on for well over ten years. In the last two years, cooperation and results have substantially increased.

It is expected that an appropriate information system could influence global benefits in employment and national economic growth. Second, data and programs will be transformed into English thus enabling full international cooperation for employed, unemployed and employees at least with the countries that will sign appropriate agreements.

The scientific part of the project will be based on artificial intelligence methods such as intelligent agents, new approaches in machine learning and natural language understanding. These scientific approach offers several possible improvements over classical rigid systems. It is reasonable to integrate AI methods in information system at various levels, e.g. for transforming Slovenian texts into English, or for intelligent-personal-agent support in advising and adapting to specific users.


* Slovenia has 120.000 unemployed
* 2.000.000 inhabitants
* unemployment is one of major problems
* thers is no simple solution; we can soften the problem, tune the system
* it is hard to get good workers in specific professions
* we can perform 'suboptimal' matching - appropriate profiles for specific positions
* an important aim of the problem is establishing contacts with EU

Current System

* runs on UNIX, HP, Internet, 10.000 lines of C code, 30Mb
* runs in cooperation with the Employment Service of Republic of Slovenia
* offers additional news, presentation, scholarships
* has a couple of major applications (modules):
A. offers available jobs: 3000 jobs per week, 90% of all jobs
B. includes workers in a free input list
C. EMA agent is here; please try it; currently it includes the English version and the speech module: (Slovene, English): A., B., locations, matching
* The system received around 2-300.000 calls in 1 year; among most often visited
* overall successful, one of the first in EU and in the world

Plans, Modifications

* The whole system will have to run in English
* From UNIX it will be ported to NT, PC, and probably Oracle
* We intend to modify and extend also the application part (the current system was designed 3 years ago)
* Managemen and organisation is an important part of this project since we depend strongly on political decisions and our partners.


An integrated information system for employment in Slovenia. An intelligent agent, publications in proceedings and journals.


1997 Annual Report

1. Summary

In 1997, the system was designed as a prototype providing employment information in Slovene and English ( The system runs 24 hours a day and provides information in Slovene and English language. The system is far the most often visited employment site in Slovenia. It was also quite probably the first employment system in the world to offer the information about all available jobs in any country.

The English version is implemented at a rather initial (prototype) stage, but already enables understanding to a reasonable point. It is constantly being upgraded. The first translations started in October 1997.

An important feature of the system is its agent orientation. Currently, the Microsoft agent is implemented for speech. It enables ( authomatic speech synthesis in English. We are also developing speech synthesis in Slovene language. First tests are promising.

In 1997 we have presented the system as several scientific conferences.

1.1. Description of milestones & deliverables accomplished

In the first year of the project the main objective was to implement the employment system on the Internet with some parts in English in a prototype version. The goal was achieved since the system is running and offering information partly in Slovene and partly in English. The decision has been made to transform the system from current UNIX to C platforms. All preparatory phases were performed as well.

Publications and presentations:

(partially or fully related to the project)

M. Gams: Intelligent Agents - A New SW Breed, Proc. of Information Technology Interfaces ITI'97, June 16-19, pp. 111-116, Pula, 1997.

M. Gams, M. Grobelnik: Intelligent Agents and Information Society, Proc. of ERK'97, Portoroz, pp. 125-128, 1997.

M. Gams: EMA - An Intelligent Employment Agent, Proc. of the IASTED Intelligent Information Systems, Bahami, (accepted, financed by other sources), December 1997.

M. Gams: EMA - An Intelligent Employment Agent, Proc. of the IASTED Intelligent Information Systems, America, IEEE, IASTED, pp. 497-502, 1997.

M. Gams, A. Karalic, M. Drobnic, V. Krizman: EMA-An Intelligent Employment Agent, Proc. of the Forth World Congress on Expert Systems, Mexico, (accepted), 1998.

Cena informacijske nepismenosti (lecture in Slovene), 8.5.1995, Informatika, Gospodarsko razstavisce, Ljubljana

Inteligentni agenti na osebnih racunalnikih in Internetu (seminar in Slovene, 4 hours), 27.5.1997, IJS-Reaktor

Intelligent systems and security (invited lecture), ICSQ'79, November 19, 1997, Maribor.

System on the Internet:

The system is running at Please see the system, modules and documentation there and the first subproject presentation at

In addition and before expected, a prototype of translating available jobs in English is implemented (

Although it achieves around 90% translated words and sentences, it already enables reasonable understandability to English speaking society. The system also incorporates the agent with speech synthesis (again alreaady available but not fully operational).

1.2. Deviations from the description in the Technical Annex

Some improvements but generally no deviations in negative direction.

1.3. Contacts established with other related projects (national and international)

Contacts have been established with other national employment programs and institutions, such as the Ministry for labor etc. Our partner, the Employment Service of Republic of Slovenia (, reported about the project at the general meeting of European employment offices. See also

2. World-wide 'state-of-the-art' update

The system is available through the Internet, therefore it is always possible to check results. Related National employment offices in Europe and employment instutitions in the world are available at our system on the Internet (see international links at where several related systems especially from the developed world (USA, Canada) are described. Our system is currently among state-of-the-art world-wide competition in the sense that it enables speech and national employment data. To our knowledge, no other system does it in the world. But overall, more advanced employment functions and larger no. of items are offered by employment institutions in larger countries such as USA. Compared to Europe (see our system and the Employment Service of Republic of Slovenia present the information at above average level.
