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Due to popular demand we announce a re-run of the seminar


7.-10. September 1998, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Organized by The Jozef Stefan Institute
(Department of intelligent systems and Center for knowledge transfer in information technologies)

in cooperation with the

The University of Ljubljana, Faculty of civil and geodetic engineering

Area and goals of the seminar

Environmental data often need to be analysed in order to obtain information necessary for environmental management decisions. Sometimes it is necessary to use the data to build a model of the environmental process that we want to manage. In other cases the analysis is necessary to understand the environmental processes studied by identifying and understanding the interrelationships of different parameters.

Machine learning can be used to elicit regularities from data. In comparison to simple forms of regularities/dependencies treated by statistical methods, machine learning methods can find more complex regularities/dependencies that include both numerical and logical conditions.

The seminar will give an introduction to selected machine learning methods as well as illustrative case studies of using these methods to analyse environmental data, such as modeling algal growth in lakes and lagoons, analysing the influence of physical and chemical parameters on selected bioindicator organisms, and predicting the biodegradability of chemical compounds. The participants will learn to use selected machine learning tools and will have the opportunity for practical work with these tools on real environmental data. The machine learning methods and tools introduced are applicable to data analysis problems from different areas.

Who should attend the seminar

The seminar is intended for researchers and other professionals in the areas of biology, chemistry, environmental science, and other areas related to ecology and environmental management, whose work requires the analysis of environmental data or modeling ecological processes.

A detailed (preliminary) programme/schedule can be found here.

Duration: Four days, from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 14:30 to 18:00 each day.



Registrations will be taken until the course fills up on a first-come first-served basis. Please register as soon as possible: due to the practical exercises the number of participants is limited.
The registration fee for the seminar is 440 USD. It includes access to the lectures, demonstrations and hands-on work, seminar materials, lunches and refreshments. It also includes 6.5% VAT.

Payment should be done by bank transfer or check. Please send receipt of payment or check made out to:

   Jozef Stefan Institute
   Jamova 39
   1000  Ljubljana, Slovenia

   through NOVA LJUBLJANSKA BANKA d.d., Trg republike 2,
           1520 Ljubljana, Slovenia
   on account no.: 50100-620-133-900-27620-840(USD)-3237/9
   S.W.I.F.T.: LJ BA SI 2X

   reason of payment AED COURSE

For registration and further information, please contact Dr. Tanja Urbancic or Renata Weiss
You can also register by filling in the registration form below.
Analysis of environmental data with machine learning methods
7.-10. September 1998
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