Ivan Bratko
- KARDIO: A Study in Deep and Qualitative Knowledge for
Expert Systems. I.Bratko, I.Mozetic, N.Lavrac. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1989.
- Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence. I.Bratko. Wokingham,
England: Addison-Wesley, 1986.
German translation: Programmierung fur Kunstliche Intelligenz,
Bonn: Addison-Wesley 1987.
Italian translation: Programmare in Prolog per l'intelligenza
artificiale, Milano: Masson, 1988.
French translation: Addison-Wesley and Interedition, Paris, 1989.
Slovenian translation: DMFA 1989.
Japanese translation: Kindai Kagaku Sha, Tokyo, 1990.
Rusian translation: Mir, Miskva 1990
- Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence, Second Edition.
Addison-Wesley 1990.
- Progress in Machine Learning, eds. I.Bratko and N.Lavrac
Wilmslow, England: Sigma Press, 1987.
- Introduction to Computer Science. I.Bratko, V.Rajkovic. Ljubljana:
Drzavna Zalozba Slovenije, 1975 (in Slovenian).
- Computer Science with the Pascal Language. I.Bratko,
V.Rajkovic. Ljubljana, Drzavna Zalozba Slovenije, 1984 (in Slovenian).
- Programming Language Pascal with Extensions of Turbo Pascal.
I.Bratko, B.Cestnik. Ljubljana: Drzavna zalozba Slovenije, 1990
(in Slovenian).
Proving correctness of strategies in the AL1 assertional
language.. Information Processing Letters
Amsterdam: North-Holland 1978, Vol. 7, 223-230. (I.Bratko)
- Pattern-based representation of chess end-game knowledge.
Computer Journal London 1978, Vol. 21 No. 2, pp. 149-153.
(I.Bratko, D.Kopec, D.Michie)
- Computer generation of complete strategies for chess
endgames.. Informatica Ljubljana 1978, No. 3, pp. 43-48.
(M.Gams, I.Bratko)
- Advice tables representations of chess end-game knowledge.
Proc. AISB/GI Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Hamburg,
18-20 july 1978, pp. 194-200. (D.Michie, I.Bratko)
- Heuristic methods for solving combinatorial optimisation
problems.. Proc. Symposium Informatica 78,
Bled 1978, paper 0 102. (I.Bratko)
- Conjectures and refutations in a framework for representing
chess end-game knowledge. (I.Bratko),
T.Niblett. In Expert Systems in the Microelectronic Age
Edinburgh University Press, 1979. (ed. D. Michie).
- Implementing search heuristics using the AL1 advice-taking
system.. Proc. 6th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial
Intelligence Tokyo, august 1979, pp. 95-97. (I.Bratko)
- A representation for pattern-knowledge in chess endgames.
Advances in Computer Chess 2 (ed. M.R.B.Clarke).
Edinburgh University Press Edinburgh 1980.
(I.Bratko, D.Michie)
- An advice program for a complex chess programming task.
Computer Journal London 1980, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 353-359.
(I.Bratko, D.Michie)
- Streamlining problem-solving processes. I.Bratko.
Infotech State of the Art Conf. on Expert Systems, London
1980. Published also in Introductory Readings in
Expert Systems Gordon & Breach, 1982. (ed. D.Michie),
- Recognition of complex patterns using cellular arrays.
Computer Journal London 1981, Vol. 24, pp. 263-270.
(Z.Zdrahal, I.Bratko, A.Shapiro)
- An experiment in automatic learning of diagnostic rules..
Informatica Ljubljana 1980, Vol. 4 No. 4, pp. 18-25.
(I.Bratko, P..Mulec)
- Knowledge-based problem-solving in AL3.. Machine
Intelligence Workshop 10, Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 1981.
Published in Machine Intelligence 10, 1982 (eds. J.Hayes, D.Michie,
J.H.Pao), Ellis Hoorwood and Wiley.
A slightly
modified version appeared also in Computer Game Playing:
Theory and Practice (ed. M.A.Bramer) Ellis Horwood and Wiley.
Also in ACM SIGART Newsletter Special Issue on Game Playing,
April 1982. (I.Bratko).
- Error analysis of the minimax principle.
Advances in Computer Chess 3 (ed. M.R.B.Clarke), Pergamon
Press, 1982. (I.Bratko, M. Gams)
- Expert Systems and Prolog.. In Pergamon Infotech
State of the Art Report on Supercomputer Systems
Technology (ed. F.Sumners). London, 1982. (I.Bratko)
- Black and white boxes: transparency of computer programs.
Proc. ROLP 82, Bled, Oct. 1982.
(I.Bratko, M.Gams, N.Lavrac, I.Mozetic)
- An efficient implementation of Advice Language 2.
Informatica Ljubljana 1982, Vol. No. 2, pp. 21-26.
(I. Bratko, I.Kononenko, I.Mozetic)
- The Bratko-Kopec experiment: a comparison of human and computer
performance in chess.. Advances in Computer Chess 3
(ed. M.R.B. Clarke). Pergamon Press, 1982. ( D.Kopec, I.Bratko)
- The development of an expert system for intensive medical
treatment. Technical Conf. on Theory and Practice of Knowledge
Based Systems. London Brunel Univ, sept. 1982.
(I.Bratko, N.Lavrac, I.Mozetic, T.Zrimec, M.Horvat, P.Rode)
- Symbolic derivation of chess patterns.. Proc. ECAI 82,
European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence. Paris - Orsay,
July 1982. (I.Bratko)
- Computer chess: knowledge vs. brute force.
SOFSEM 82 (Invited paper), Byli Kriz- Beskydy, Czechoslovakia,
Nov. - Dec. 1982. (I.Bratko)
- Programming languages for artificial intelligence
SOFSEM 82 (Invited paper), Bily Kriz - Beskydy,
Czechoslovakia, Nov. - Dec. 1982. (I.Bratko, I.Bruha, K.Miller)
- Converting search into pattern-knowledge.. Proc.
2nd Int. Symp. on Artificial Intelligence and the game of Chess,
Milano, May 1983. (I.Bratko)
- An experiment in automatic synthesis of expert knowledge
through qualitative modelling. Logic Programming Workshop 83.
Albufeira, Portugal, June 1983. (I.Mozetic, I.Bratko, N.Lavrac)
- A qualitative model of the heart for education and ECG diagnosis
of cardiac arrhythmias. Proc. 3rd Mediterranean Conf. on
Biomedical Engineering. Portoroz, Sept. 1983.
(I.Mozetic, I.Bratko, N.Lavrac, M.Horvat, T.Zrimec)
- Reservations against the use of computers in medical diagnosis
and prognosis.. Proc. 3rd Mediterranean Conf. on Biomedical
Engineering, Portoroz, Sept. 1983. (M.Zwitter, I.Bratko, I.Kononenko)
- An expert system for decision making, Processes and Tools for
Decision Support (ed.H.G. Sol)(IFIP Publication),
North-Holland Publishing Comp.1983.
(M.Bohanec, I.Bratko V.Rajkovic)
- A circuit analysis program that explains its reasoning.
Proc. European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems
Research. Vienna, april 1984. (M.Gams, I.Bratko)
- Detecting positional patterns in chess.
Advances in Computer Chess 4 (ed. D.Beal), Pergamon
Press, 1986. Also in: ICCA Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2 June
1984, pp. 63-73. (I.Bratko, P.Tancig, S.Tancig)
- Advice and planning in chess endgames. In
Artificial and Human Thinking (eds. A.Elithorn, R.Banerji),
North-Holland 1984, a collection of edited papers from NATO
Conf. on Artificial and Human Thinking, Lyon, 1981. (I. Bratko)
- Symbolic derivation of chess patterns.. In Progress in
Artificial Intelligence Eds. J.Campbell, L.Steels. Ellis
Horwood and Wiley, 1985. (I.Bratko)
- Automatic synthesis of knowledge
Automatika, 1985 Vol. 26, No. 3-4, pp. 171-175.
(I.Bratko, I.Kononenko, N.Lavrac, I.Mozetic, E.Roskar)
- KARDIO-E: an expert system for electrocardiographic analysis
of cardiac arrhythmias., Expert Systems Journal, 1985. Also reported
at the First Expert Systems Conference, London, 1-3 Oct. 1985.
(N.Lavrac, I.Bratko, I.Mozetic, M.Horvat J.Grad, B.Cercek)
- Inductive learning system ASSISTANT.Informatica Journal,
Vol 1985, No 3. (I.Kononenko, I.Bratko, E.Roskar)
- AI tools and techniques for manufacturing systems.
Proc 2nd Int. Conf. Manufacturing Science, Technology and Systems
of the Future, Ljubljana, Sept. 12-14 1985. Also in: Robotics and
Computer-Aided Manufacturing, Vol. 3, 1987. (I.Bratko)
- Automatic synthesis and compression of cardiological knowledge.
Machine Intelligence 11 (eds.J.Hayes, D.Michie, J.Richards)
Oxford University Press 1988. Also in: D.Michie, I.Bratko, Automating
Knowledge Acquisition. Addison-Wesley 1986. (I.Bratko, I.Mozetic, N.Lavrac)
- Automatic synthesis of knowledge: Ljubljana research. European
Working Session on Learning, Paris - Orsay, February 3-4, 1986.
(I.Bratko I. Kononenko, N. Lavrac, I. Mozetic, E. Roskar)
- Automatic construction of the knowledge-base for a steel
classification expert system. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Expert Systems
and Their Applications, Avignon, France, 28-30 April, 1986. .
(N.Lavrac, A.Varsek, M.Gams, I.Kononenko, I.Bratko)
- AI tools in new generations of software..
MIPRO 86, Opatija, May 1986. (I.Bratko, M.Gams, N.Lavrac)
- AI and robotics: flexibility and integration.
Robotica Journal, Vol. 5, pp 93-98 1987. (P.Mowforth, I.Bratko)
- Learning decision rules in noisy domains.
Expert Systems 86 Conf., Brighton, 15-18
Dec. 1986 In Developments in Expert Systems (ed. M. Bramer)
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986. (T.Niblett, I.Bratko)
- Learning diagnostic rules from incomplete and noisy data.
- AI Methods in Statistics. London: UNICOM Seminars Ltd.
16-17 december 1986.
Also in book Interactions in AI and Statistics ed. B.Phelps
London: Gower Technical Press 1987. (I.Bratko, I.Kononenko)
- Automatic synthesis of knowledge-bases in KARDIO and ASSISTANT
- Current Questions of Expert Systems Technology, Berlin 28.11.1986
-Invited paper. (I.Bratko, I.Kononenko, N.Lavrac, I.Mozetic, E.Roskar)
- Expert Systems: Automating Knowledge Acquisition.
Video + accompanying handbook. Wokingham, England:
Addison-Wesley 1986. (D.Michie, I.Bratko)
- Ideas on knowledge synthesis stemming from the KBBKN endgame
D.Michie, I.Bratko
ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1 (March 1987), pp. 3-13
- Some comments on rule induction
Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 1, pp. 65-67. (I.Bratko, D.Michie)
- MCUDS - an expert system for the diagnostics of lower urinary
tract. Expert Systems in Medicine 4. London, 17-18 March 1987.
Modified version also published in the journal Biomedical
Measurement Informatics and Control London,
Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 201-204 (1986). Appeared in 1987.
(E.Roskar, P.Abrams, I.Bratko, I.Kononenko, A.Varsek)
- ASSISTANT 86: a knowledge elicitation tool for sophisticated
users. (B.Cestnik, I.Kononenko, I.Bratko)
Second European Working Session on Learning. Bled, Yugoslavia,
13-15 May 1987. In Progress in Machine Learning,
Wilmslow, England: Sigma Press, 1987. (eds. I.Bratko N.Lavrac)
- Notes on using Prolog
Invited paper at Artificial Intelligence
and Software Engineering: State of the Art and Perspective
A.I.C.A., Milano, 17 june 1987. (I. Bratko)
- An implementation of an algorithm for qualitative simulation
Conf. ETAN 87, Vol. XII, 191-198, Bled, June 1987
(A.Varsek, I.Bratko)
- Qualitative modelling for medical diagnosis
IFAC Symp. on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems,
Venice, April 1988 (I.Bratko)
- Learning redundant rules in noisy domains
ECAI 88, European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence,
Muenchen, August 1988 (B.Cestnik, I.Bratko)
- Machine Learning
in Human and Machine Problem Solving
ed. K. Gilhooly, Academic Press, 1989. (I.Bratko)
- Fast prototyping of expert systems using Prolog
in Topics in Expert Systems Design G.Guida, C.Tasso (eds.)
Amsterdam: North-Holland - Elsevier Science Publishers, 1989
- Automatic knowledge acquisition for expert systems
Ljubljana: Elektrotehniski vestnik (1989) (I.Bratko, I. Kononenko)
- Qualitative modelling and learning in KARDIO
Proc. Fifth Australian Conf. Applications of Expert Systems,
Sydney, 3-5 May 1989 (Invited paper)
Also in: Readings in Knowledge Acquisition
and Machine Learning (eds. B. Buchanan, D. Wilkins)
Morgan Kaufmann 1993. (I. Bratko)
- Medical analysis of automatically induced diagnostic rules
Third Int. Conf. AI in Medicine, London, August 1989.
(V.Pirnat, I.Kononenko, T.Janc, I.Bratko)
- KARDIO: an expert system for ECG interpretation,
In: Practical Experience in Building Expert
Systems (ed. M.Bramer) John Wiley & Sons 1990.
(I.Bratko I.Mozetic, N.Lavrac)
- Varying level of abstraction in qualitative modelling
Presented at Machine Intelligence Workshop 12, Tallinn, 29.9 - 2.10 1987
Published in Machine Intelligence 12 (eds. J.Hayes-Michie,
D.Michie, E.Tyugu), Oxford Univ. Press, 1991
(I.Mozetic, I.Bratko, T.Urbancic)
- Exploring structures: an exercise in model-based interpretation
and planning In Machine Intelligence 12
(eds. D.Michie, J.Hayes, E.Tyugu) Oxford Univ. Press, 1991
(I. Bratko)
- Information based evaluation criterion for classifier's performance.
Machine Learning Journal, 1991.
(I. Kononenko, I. Bratko)
- Machine learning and qualitative modelling in medical
Proc. Artificial Intelligence and Tutoring Systems, 1989 Spring
Symposium at the Univ. of Maine, 21-24 May 1989.
- On estimating probabilities in tree pruning
In Machine Learning - EWSL 91 (ed. Y. Kodratoff)
Springer-Verlag 1991 (Proc. EWSL 91, Porto, Portugal, March 1991)
(B. Cestnik, I. Bratko)
- Comments to `chunking for experience'
ICCA Journal, Vol. 14, No 1, p. 18 (1991)
(D. Michie, I. Bratko)
- Learning qualitative models of dynamic systems
Proc. Inductive Logic Programming ILP-91, Viana do Castelo,
Portugal, March 1991. Also published as invited paper in Proc. Int.
Conf. AI in Mathematics, Glasgow, april 1991; (appeared
as book edited by S. McKee, 1994)
Also in: Inductive Logic Programming (ed. S. Muggleton)
Academic Press 1992
(I. Bratko, S. Muggleton, A. Varsek)
- Learning qualitative models of dynamic systems
Machine Learning Workshop 91, Evanston, Illinois, June 1991
Proc. published by Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, California.
(I. Bratko, S Muggleton, A. Varsek)
- Automated modelling using qualitative representations
Proc. ITI - Information Technologies Integrator Conf.,
Cavtat, June 1991
(I. Bratko)
- Machine learning and qualitative modelling in medical
In: Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(eds. D.Kopec, R.B.Thompson) Ellis Horwood, 1992
- Idendifying the grinding process by means of inductive machine learning,
Proc. First CIRP Workshop of the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 91,
Budapest, March 1991)
Published as journal paper in: Computers in Industry,
Vol. 17 (2-3), pp. 147-153.
(M. Junkar, B. Filipic, I. Bratko)
- Qualitative modelling: learning and control
AI-91, Prague, Czechoslovakia, June 1991 (invited paper).
(I. Bratko)
- An application of machine learning to a metal-working process. Proc. ITI-91
(Information Technologies Interface), Cavtat, Yugoslavia, June 1991.
(B. Filipic, M. Junkar, I. Bratko, A. Karalic)
- Using m-estimate in Inductive Logic Programming
ECAI-92, Vienna (submitted, not accepted)
Published in Proc. of Workshop on Logic Approaches to Machine
Learning, Vienna, August 1992
(S.Dzeroski, I.Bratko)
- Handling noise in Inductive Logic Programming
ILP Workshop 92, Tokyo, June 1992
(S.Dzeroski, I.Bratko)
- Applications of Machine Learning: towards automatic
knwledge synthesis
FGCS92, Tokyo, June 1992 (invited paper)
- Dynamic system simulation with Qualitative
Differential Equations.
In: Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
(eds. V.Marik and O.Stepankova)
Springer-Verlag 1992. Presented at AI Summer School,
Prague, July 1992. (I. Bratko)
Machine Learning and Qualitative Reasoning
Int. Machine Learning Conf. 92, Aberdeen, July 1992
(Keynote talk; published in Machine Learning Journal 1994).
- Knowledge acquisition for dynamic system control
in: Dynamic, Genetic and Chaotic Programming: the Sixth Generation
(B. Soucek, ed.), pp. 65-83, New York: John Wiley 1992.
(T. Urbancic, I.Bratko)
- Automated synthesis of control for nonlinear dynamic systems
1992 IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Int. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
and Real Time Control, Delft, The Netherlands, June 16-19, 1992
(T.Urbancic, Dj. Juricic, B.Filipic, I.Bratko)
- Constructing control rules for dynamic systems: probabilistic
qualitative models, lookahead and exaggeration. Int. Journal of
Systems Sci., Vol. 24 (1993) No. 6, 1155-164
(T.Urbancic, I.Bratko)
- Problems of applied ILP
Proc. ISSEK workshop 92, Bled, 3-5 Sept. 1992 Short paper
( I.Bratko, K.Zitnik)
- A knowledge base for finite element mesh design
Proc. ISSEK workshop 92, Bled, 3-5 Sept. 1992
(B.Dolsak, A.Jezernik, I.Bratko)
- Inductive learning applied to program construction and
Proc. AIFIPP Workshop, Madrid, 13-14 Sept. 1992
(I.Bratko, M.Grobelnik)
- Inductive learning applied to program construction
and verification
Proc. ILP Workshop 93, Bled, April 1993.
(revised version of paper at AIFIPP'92, Madrid 1992)
(I. Bratko, M.Grobelnik)
- Innovative design as learning from examples
Proc. Design to Manufacture Conf., Bled, Slovenia, June 1993
- Using Machine Learning techniques in the construction
of models
Accepted for publication in Ecological Modelling Journal
(also presented at ISEM's 8th Int. Conf. on State of the Art
in Ecological Modelling, Kiel, Germany, sept. - oct. 1992).
(B.Kompare, F.Steinman, I.Bratko)
- Inductive learning applied to program construction
and verification.
In: AI techniques for Information Processing
(ed. J. Cuena) North-Holland 1993.
(revised version of paper at AIFIPP'92, Madrid 1992)
(I. Bratko, M.Grobelnik)
- Applications of Machine Learning: Towards
Knowledge Synthesis
New Generation Computing, OHMSHA Ltd. and Springer-Verlag (Tokyo).
Vol. 11, 1993 343-360. (I. Bratko)
- Constructing control rules for a dynamic system:
probabilistic qualitative models, lookahead and exaggeration
Int. J. Systems Sci., Vol. 24 (1993) No. 6, 1155-1164
(T. Urbancic, I. Bratko)
- Learning to control dynamic systems
In: Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification
(eds. D. Michie, D. Spiegelhalter, C. Taylor)
Ellis-Horwood and Wiley, 1994.
(T.Urbancic, I.Bratko)
- Machine Learning in Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in Eng. Journal: Special issue on
Machine Learning in Eng. 1993. (I.Bratko)
- Applications of Inductive Logic Programming
SIGART Bulletin, special issue on Inductive
Logic Programing 1994 (I.Bratko, R.King)
- Abductive planning with qualitative models of dynamic systems
Proc. QUARDET'93 (Qualitative Reasoning and Decision Technologies),
(eds. N.Piera Carrete, M.G.Singh) pp. 389-395, CIMNE, Barcelona,
June 1993 (K..Krivicic, I.Bratko)
- Qualitative reasoning about control
Proc. IEEE ETFA'93, Cairns, Australia, sept. 1993
(I. Bratko)
- Using Machine Learning techniques to interpret results
from discrete event simulation.
Proc. 15th Int. Conf. ITI'93, pp. 401-406. Pula, June 1993.
Published by University Computer Center, Zagreb, Croatia 1993.
(D.Mladenic, I.Bratko, R.Paul, M.Grobelnik)
- Deriving qualitative control for dynamic systems,
MI 14 Machine Intelligence Workshop.
To appear in Machine Intelligence 14 eds. D. Michie, S. Muggleton,
K. Furukawa; Oxford: Clarendon Press. Tokyo, november 1993
- Avtomatsko ucenje v snovanju zdravil
Proc. ERK'93, Portoroz, Slovenia, Sept. 1993
(D.Mladenic, I.Bratko, A.Karalic)
- Using machine learning techniques to interpret
results from discrete event simulation
Proc. ECML-94 conference, Catania, April 1994
(D.Mladenic, I.Bratko, R.J.Paul, M.Grobelnik)
- Knowledge-based systems in medicine ... whose knowledge?
Proc. ULURU'93: Informatics - the Future of
Laboratory Medicine, pp. 20-22 (Invited paper).
Ayers Rock, Australia, 22-24 nov. 1993
- Reconstructing human subcognitive skill
through Machine Learning
Proc. ECAI-94, Amsterdam, August 1994
(T.Urbancic, I.Bratko)
- Machine learning and qualitative reasoning
Machine Learning Journal, Vol. 14, 305-312 1994
(I. Bratko)
- Trading eccuracy for simplicity in decision trees
Machine Learning Journal, Vol. 14 (1994)
(M. Bohanec, I. Bratko)
- Machine learning in dynamic systems: some recent results
ITI94, Pula, Croatia, June 1994 -invited talk
(I. Bratko)
- Machine learning in dynamic systems: some recent results
Artificial Intelligence and Information Control Systems
for Robots 94, Smolenice, Slovakia, sept. 1994 -invited talk,
abstract in Proc. by World Scientific 1994. (I. Bratko)
- Finite element mesh design: an engineering domain
for ILP applications
Proc. ILP workshop 94, Bonn, sept. 1994
(B. Dolsak, I. Bratko, A. Jezernik)
- Finite element mesh design: an engineering domain
for ILP applications
ML in design workshop,
Lausanne, august 1994. (B.Dolsak, I. Bratko, A. Jezernik)
- Analysis of discrete event simulation results with ML techniques
ECAI94 Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge Acquisition
Amsterdam, august 1994
(D. Mladenic, I. Bratko, R. Paul, M. Grobelnik)
- Applications of Machine Learning: What, How and Why?
Applications of Machine Learning Workshop, Paris-Dourdan,
France, Sept. 1994 -invited (I. Bratko)
- Using machine learning techniques in the construction of models.
Part I: Introduction. Ecological Modelling, 75/76: 617-628, 1994.
(B. Kompare, I.Bratko, F.Steinman, S.Dzeroski)
- Poenostavljanje avtomatsko generiranih pravil za
vodenje kontejnerskega zerjava ERK, Portoroz sept. 1994
(Z. Debeljak, P. Ribaric, T. Urbancic, I. Bratko)
- Generiranj evedenjskih dvojnikov za vodenje dinamicnega sistema
ERK, Portoroz, sept. 1994
(T. Urbancic, M. Siegl, I. Bratko)
- Representing examples by examples ISSEK Workshop 94,
Udine, sept. 1994 Published in book AI and statistical data analysis
eds. G. Della Riccie, R. Kruse Springer-Verlag 1995
(M. Bohanec, I. Bratko)
- Artificial Intelligence: the Field and Trends
Opening talk at Australian Conf. on Artificial Intelligence,
Armidale, nov. 1994 -invited. (I. Bratko)
- Applications of Machine Learning: What, Why and How?
Special one day invited seminar for BHT, Sydney, 13. dec. 1994
(other lecturers D. Michie, P. Langley, C. Sammut)
(I. Bratko)
- Applications of Inductive Logic Programming
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 38, no. 11, pp. 65-70
november 1995. (I. Bratko, S. Muggleton)
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence techniques
for ecological modelling
Tempus workshop lecture, Padova, May 1994
(I. Bratko)
- Learning and noise
Three lectures at Machine Learning Summer School,
Paris-Dourdan, Sept. 1994 -invited (I. Bratko)
- A knowledge base for finite element mesh design
Artificial Intelligence in Eng., Vol. 9 1994, pp. 19-27.
Elsevier Science Ltd. (B. Dolsak, A. Jezernik, I. Bratko)
- Machine Learning, 5 days (22 hours invited course)
Information Technology Institute,
Singapore, december 1994
(I. Bratko)
- Applications of Machine Learning
National Computer Board Open Lecture Series,
Singapore, 9. dec. 1994. (I. Bratko)
- Automated modelling of ecological processes through
machine learning
Theory and Praxis of Machine Learning, Dagstuhl seminar
series, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, June 1994 (invited)
(I. Bratko)
- Engineering applications of ILP
New Generation Computing, Vol. 13, 313-333 (1995)
(I. Bratko, S. Dzeroski)
- Behavioural cloning: phenomena, results and problems.
5th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill,
Berlin, sept. 1995. (I. Bratko, T. Urbancic, C. Sammut)
- New AI techniques for automated modelling
Proc. DMMI Conf., Bled, May 1995 -invited paper.
(I. Bratko, S. Dzeroski)
- Attribute-based learning
MLnet News: Special Issue on State of the Art in Machine Learning
(Produced by research committee of MLnet, coordinated by L. Saitta)
Sept. 1995. (I. Bratko, B. Cestnik, I. Kononenko)
- Transfer of control skill by machine learning
Proc. AI in Real Time Control, IFAC Workshop,
Bled, Slovenia, nov. 1995 -invited paper
(I. Bratko, T. Urbancic)
- Skill reconstruction: machine learning vs. introspection
MI15 Workshop, Oxford. To appear in Machine Intelligence 15
eds. S. Muggleon, D. Michie, K. Furukawa- Oxford Univ. Press.
(I. Bratko, T.Urbancic)
- Cntrolling container cranes: a case-study in reconstruction
of human skill Electrotechnical Review, Vol. 63 3-4 : 199-205
1995 (T. Urbancic, I. Bratko)
- Applications of ILP
In Inductive Logic Programming (ed. L. De Raedt) (1996, to appear)
(S. Dzeroski, I. Bratko)
- Handling noisy data in ILP
In Inductive Logic Programming ed. L. De Raedt, 1996, to appear
(N. Lavrac, S. Dzeroski, I. Bratko)