Department of Intelligent Systems
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 61 177 3380
Fax: +386 61 125 1038
I am a researcher in Department of Intelligent Systems at the Jozef Stefan Institute. My PhD (1997) is from University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Computer and Information Sciences. My MSc (1993) in Computer Science is from University of Houston, Texas, and BS (1991) in Electrical Engineering from University of Ljubljana.
My current research work is focused on function decomposition and application of machine learning methods for intelligent data analysis in medicine. Function decomposition is a new machine learning and machine discovery paradigm inspired by the Boolean function decomposition approach to the design of digital circuits. The most important characteristics of this approach in respect to machine learning and knowledge discovery are:
The problems we have focused on recently are:
In Medical Informatics and KDD in Medicine, I'm also collaborating with Robert J. Beck, John A. Halter, and Michael W. Kattan from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, and with Dobrivoje S. Stokic from Mississippi Methodist Rehabilitation Center, Jackson, Mississippi.
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