Blaz Zupan's Selected Publications

Machine learning

Journal Articles

 B. Zupan, M. Bohanec, J. Demsar, I. Bratko (1998) Feature transformation by function decomposition. IEEE Intelligent Systems (former IEEE Expert), 13(2): 38-43, March/April 1998. (abstract)

 B. Zupan, M. Bohanec, J. Demsar, I. Bratko (1998) Learning by discovering concept hierarchies. Submitted to Artificial Intelligence.

 B. Zupan and M. Bohanec (1998) Experimental evaluation of three partition selection criteria for decision table decomposition. Informatica, 22(1998) 207:217.


 B. Zupan (1997) Machine Learning Based on Function Decomposition. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ljubljana. [ PostScript , Compressed PS , PDF , Compressed PDF ] (abstract, extended abstract in Slovene)

Book chapters

 B. Zupan, M. Bohanec, J. Demsar, I. Bratko (1998) Feature transformation by function decomposition. In (H. Liu and H. Motoda, eds.) Feature extraction, construction and selection, pages 325-340. Kluwer. (this is an extended version of the above IEEE Intelligent Systems paper)

Conferences, Workshops and Symposia

 B. Zupan, M. Bohanec, I. Bratko, J. Demsar (1997) Machine learning by function decomposition. In (D. Fisher, ed.) Proc. ICML-97, pages 421-429. Morgan-Kaufmann.

 B. Zupan, M. Bohanec, I. Bratko, B. Cestnik (1997) A dataset decomposition approach to data mining and machine discovery. In (D. Heckerman, H. Mannila, D. Pregibon, and R. Uthurusamy, eds.) Proc. of the Third International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-97), pages 299-303. AAAI Press.

 M. Bohanec, B. Zupan, I. Bratko, B. Cestnik (1997) A function decomposition method for development of hierarchical multi-attribute decision models. In Proc. ISDSS-97, pages 503-514. Lausanne, Switzerland.

 J. Demsar, B. Zupan, M. Bohanec, and I. Bratko (1997) Constructive Induction by Decomposition of Real Functions, In (M. Someren, G. Widmer, eds.) Machine Learning: ECML-97, In Proc. ECML-97, pages 94-107. Springer-Verlag.

IDA and KDD in medicine


 N. Lavrac, E. Keravnou, B. Zupan, editors (1997) Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology. Kluwer.

Journal Articles

  N. Lavrac, I. Kononenko, E. Keravnou, M. Kukar, and B. Zupan (1998) Intelligent data analysis for medical diagnosis: Using machine learning and temporal abstraction. to appear in AI Communications

 B. Zupan and S. Dzeroski (1998) Acquiring background knowledge for machine learning using function decomposition: A case study in rheumatology. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 1-2, pp. 101-118.

 B. Zupan, D. S. Stokic, M. Bohanec, M. M. Priebe, A. M. Sherwood (1998) Relating clinical and neurophysiological assessment of spasticity by machine learning. International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 243-252.

Book chapters

 B. Zupan, J. A. Halter, M. Bohanec (1997) Concept Discovery by Decision Table Decomposition and its Application in Neurophysiology, In (N. Lavrac, E. Keravnou, B. Zupan, eds.) Intelligent data analysis in medicine and pharmacology, pages 261-277, Kluwer. (abstract)

 N. Lavrac, E. Keravnou, B. Zupan (1997) Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology: An Overview, In (N. Lavrac, E. Keravnou, B. Zupan, eds.) Intelligent data analysis in medicine and pharmacology, pages 1-13, Kluwer.

Conferences, Workshops and Symposia

 B. Zupan, D. S. Stokic, M. Bohanec, M. M. Priebe, A. M. Sherwood (1997) Relating clinical and neurophysiological assessment of spasticity by machine learning. In Proc. 10th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Maribor, June 11-13, 1997.

 B. Zupan, S. Dzeroski (1997) Acquiring and validating background knowledge for machine learning using function decomposition. In (E. Keravnou et al., eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Proc. AIME-97, Grenoble, France, pages 86-97, Springer-Verlag

 B. Zupan, J. A. Halter, and M. Bohanec (1996) Qualitative Model Approach to Computer Assisted Reasoning in Physiology. In Workshop Notes of IDAMAP-96: An Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology Workshop, Budapest, pages 103-108.

 B. Zupan, J. A. Halter, and M. Bohanec. Computer-assisted reasoning on principles and properties of medical physiology. In Proc. of Workshop on Computer-Aided Data Analysis in Medicine, CADAM-95, pages 258-271, Bled, November 1995.

Real-time expert systems


 B. Zupan (1997) Optimization of Real-Time Rule-Based Expert Systems. M. Sc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, Texas.

Journal Articles

 B. Zupan, A. M. K. Cheng (1998) Optimization of rule-based systems using state-space graphs. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 10(2): 238-254.

 B. Zupan, A. M. K. Cheng, and M. Bohanec (1995) Static stability analysis of real-time systems: Porting crisp methods to fuzzy. Electrotechnical Review, 62(3-4): 141-256.

Conferences, Workshops and Symposia

 B. Zupan, A. M. K. Cheng, and M. Bohanec (1995) Static stability analysis method for fuzzy rule-chaining real-time systems. In (J. Kocijan, R. Karba, eds.) Proc. of Intl. IFAC Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control, pages 280-285, Bled.

 B. Zupan and A. M. K. Cheng (1994) Optimization of rule-based expert systems via state transition system construction. In Proc. 10th IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications: Developing Enabling Technologies and Integrating AI into Application Solutions (CAIA-94), pages 320-326, San Antonio, TX.

 B. Zupan and A. M. K. Cheng (1994) Response time optimization of rule-based expert systems. In Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence Systems in Aerospace and Industry, number 2244 in SPIE Proceedings Series, pages 240-248.

Computational medicine and biomedical modelling

Journal Articles

 T. Sketa, B. Zupan (1993) Modeliranje dinamike celjenja ran. Medicinski razgledi, 32: 3-14. (in Slovene)

Conferences, Workshops and Symposia

 J.A. Halter and B. Zupan (1996) Modeling Periaxonal and Intra-Axonal Ion Concentration Dynamics in Myelinated Nerve Fibers (abstract), In Proc. CNS-96 Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

 J. A. Halter and B. Zupan (1995) Influence of nodal-paranodal properties on conduction in myelinated nerve fibers. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 23:S-80, 1995. Abstract Supplement for the BMES 1995 Annual Fall Meeting, Boston.

 B. Zupan and J. A. Halter (1995) A simulation and optimization environment for models in computational neurobiology. In Proc. of European Simulation Congress, EUROSIM'95, pages 963-968, Vienna.

 J. A. Halter, D. Micci Barreca, and B. Zupan (1994) Implementation of myelinated nerve fiber model on a MIMD computer. In Proc. of the IFAC Symposium, pages 511-512, Galveston, TX.

 V. Valencic, B. Zupan, and T. Sketa. Models of wound healing dynamics. In Proc. 13th Mediterranean IEEE Electrotechnical Conference, MELECOM-91, pages 737-740, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 1991.

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