The J. Stefan Institute home page 

IJSDepartment of Intelligent Systems

The principal goals of the Department of Intelligent Systems are to develop a computational theory of intelligence and to develop high-impact practical applications in areas such as intelligent information systems, data analysis, decision making, intelligent agents, medicine, ecology, chemistry, intelligent manufacturing, and economy.

 The Department of Intelligent Systems of J. Stefan Institute is one of the established European computer science research groups with a 20 year tradition in R&D in artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, information systems, medical informatics, natural language processing, and cognitive sciences. 

General information
Research areas
Research projects
Intelligent Systems, Agents and our Department
Jobs in our Dept.
Software Catalogue (in English and Slovene)
Annual report 1994 (in English and Slovene)
Annual report 1995 (in English and Slovene)
Annual report 1996 (in English and Slovene

Additional information offered by this server:

Access statistics since 12-Jun-1996
Access statistic - 1995
Access statistic - 1994 

Construction of Local Statistic Access 

D. Zupanic