SIRDS Programs Available --- Last Update 94.06.11 A summary of SIRDS ( Single Image Random Dot Stereogram ) and SIS ( Single Image Stereogram ) generating programs for the PC. If you discover any errors or omissions, please send corrections and your opinions to for inclusion if future updates. Has anyone used the commercial program from N.E.Thing? I would like to add its information to this list. In fact, I would like to know how it compares with the shareware programs available. The list is not in any particular order. 1 TDL 1.0 Three Dimensional Laboratory 2 RDS 2.0 Random Dot Stereograms 3 PERSPECT 1.0 Perspectus 4 PGRAM.EXE Propagrams 5 SIRDSANI SIRDS Animator 6 Crumbler Crumbler 7 HIDIMG 2.1 Hide Image 8 RDSDRAW RandomSterio-DRAW 9 SHIMMER Shimmer 10 MINDIMG2 Mind Image 11 SIRDVIEW SIRD View 12 STAR 3.21 Stareogramme 13 YASM Yet Another SIRD Maker 14 ASG AutoStereoGram 15 3DRANDOT 3D Randot 16 Stereolusions Stereolusions 17 Raysis 1.0 Raysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program: TDL ( Three Dimensional Laboratory) FTP site: SimTel/msdos/graphics/ OS: Windows Bump Format: self-contained paint program, proprietary format Output Format: Printer, BMP, propietary format [only 16 colors] Panel Format: BMP 16 col Panel Colors: 16 color Layers: 256 Back color: Black Comments: Nice random color generation scheme Nice object creation system Locked in to proprietary format files, no import/export 16 color images OK for random dots, limiting otherwise Shareware: Cannot save work unless registered. US$25 to register. Source Available: No Author: Evolving Software 7819 Windwood Way Parker, CO 80134 ---------------------------------------------------------- Program: RDS 2.0 FTP site: (directory unkown) OS: Windows Bump Format: BMP Output Format: BMP Panel Format: BMP Random pattern: user specified parameters Number of Layers: Back color: White Comments: colors get changed from panel to final image due to palette problem problems with 24 bit BMP Simple and easy to use, one of my favorites Shareware crippled? No Source Available: Yes, PASCAL Author: Dan Wischik ----------------------------------------- Program: PERSPECT Perspectus 1.0 FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: proprietary Output Format: none Panel Format: random only Layers: 16 Back color: black Comments: Nice drawing program No import/export Shareware: US $5 Source Available: ? Author: Alan Meiss 2626 Parkwood Drive Speedway, IN 46224 Internet email: --------------------------------------------------------------- Program: PGRAM.EXE Propagrams FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: PCX 320x200 ( more with registration ) Output Format: PCX Panel Format: random only Panel Colors: selectable palettes Layers: 2 ( more with registration ) Back color: Comments: very slow! 320x200 without registration, higher with Hard to evaluate in low resolution/one plane Source Available: ? Authors: Matt Witzman & Wayne Pafko Cedar Lake Software PO BOX 201103 Bloomington, MN, 55420-1103,, ---------------------------------------------------------------- Program: SIRDSANI FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: X3D 2.0, Wavefront, or BMP Output Format: BMP or PS Panel Format: BMP Random pattern: user specified parameters Number of Layers: Back color: Comments: Creates animated SIRDS by rotating object. Crashes regularly on this system. Shareware: Author: Platonic Software 17 Florence Avenue, Harehills, Leeds, LS9 7AL, United Kingdom. Telephone: 0532 408866 Email : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Program: Crumbler FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: TGA uncompressed Output Format: TGA 4096 x 9999+ true color Panel Format: TGA or random Random pattern: yes Number of Layers: 16M Back color: black Comments: batch oriented many options available Includes Triceratops image Shareware: Free Source Available: Author: Carlo Moretti e-mail: or ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Program: HIDIMG 2.1 FTP site: SimTel/msdos/? OS: DOS Bump Format: BMP 16 or 256 color max size 4096 x avail.mem Output Format: BMP 16 or 256 color " Panel Format: BMP 16 or 256 color " Random pattern: Any BMP you can make Number of Layers: max 16 or 256, based on BMP type Back color: black Comments: Video driver used is Jordan Hargrave's SVGA256.BGI. Must use UNIVBE.EXE to run on local bus cards. Basically you can create the same pictures as those seen in stores. Comes with several built-in input and pattern files. Has a height-analyze feature which helps input file creation. Color alteration features. Alter Z-scaling and Repeat distances. View in Normal or Inverted mode. Read in color maps like those in FRACTINT. HIDIMG is a file-to-file converter, so large, high resolution, multi-color images can be made for your printer. I use the Windows driver for my DeskJet500C. Those pictures look great. Shareware: US$ 25 to register. Not crippled. Source Available: No. Author: John aputlu-Wilson 1451 Mecaslin St NW #8303 Atlanta, GA 30309-2288 (404) 875-4384 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program: RDSDRAW RandomSterio-DRAW FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: TGA Output Format: TGA Panel Format: random 2-16 colors Layers: 16 Back color: black Comments: 3-D Image editor included Shareware crippled? freeware DM 10 donation requested Source Available: ? Author: Johannes Schmid Rudliebstr, 50 81925 Mnchen Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHIMMER Reads MINDIMG RLE files and shimmers them to make them easier to see. It uses a different algorithm to generate the RDS which does not seem to be as good as others, generating fewer planes and leaving "echoes". Personally, the shimmering is distracting and hard to watch but the authors claim that it can help those who have difficulty to see the images. FTP site: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Program: MINDIMG2 FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: RLE ( documented custom format ) Input Colors: 256 Output Format: PS only Output Colors: Panel Format: random only Panel Colors: 2 color Layers: 256 Back color: Comments: lots of sample input data Author: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program: SIRDVIEW and VIEWSIRD FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: PCX 640x480x256 Output Format: PCX and compact SRD (viewable with VIEWSIRD) Panel Format: Random pattern: Number of Layers: 256 Back color: Shareware? Freeware Source Available: Comments: Author: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program: STAR 3.21 Stareogramme FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: TGA, TIFF 320x200 max Output Format: TGA Panel Format: TGA 200x400 max Random pattern: yes, variable density Number of Layers: variable Back color: black Shareware? Yes, voluntary amount. Source Available: Comments: Pretty good. batch oriented Author: Yoon Kit Yong Information Systems Engineering Dept. Electrical Engineering Building, Imperial College, London. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program: YASM Yet Another SIRD Maker FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: PCX 256 colors 4 per level Output Format: PCX 256 colors Panel Format: PCX 256 colors Random pattern: yes Number of Layers: 64 Back color: black Shareware? Freeware Source Available: ? Comments: Batch oriented, no display. Very slow compared to other programs. Unlimited input/output size. Can generate cross-eyed stereograms. Author: Mitchell Brandsma 32 Martin Ave, Rivervale, WA 6103 Australia. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Program: ASG - AutoStereoGram FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: PCX 640x480x16 Output Format: PCX B/W Panel Format: random only Layers: 16 Back color: black Comments: custom focus dots may be included Shareware crippled? UKL 5 Source Available: ? Author: Justin J A Smith 4 Sorrel close Royston Hertfordshire SG8 9TL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program: 3DRANDOT FTP site: OS: DOS Bump Format: 640x350x16 GIF or 320x200x16 Input Colors: 16 Output Format: GIF Panel Format: random Panel Colors: b/w Layers: 16 Back color: black Comments: Shareware: Source Available: C and QBasic source included Author: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program: Stereolusions FTP site: commercial product OS: Windows Bump format: BMP, WMF Output format: Printer, BMP Max colors: 16M (24 bit) Max layers: 256 (depends on other parameters though) Back color: white Price: $49 Source available: no Author: I/O Software, Inc. 10970 Arrow Rte #202 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 909-483-5700 FAX 909-483-5710 _________________________________________________________________________ Program: Raysis 1.0 FTP Site: via WWW via ftp OS: Unix/XWindows C Source can be compiled on various platforms (Has anyone done this on PC?) Bump format: SIS POV-Ray (ray-tracing object descriptions) Panel format: ppm Output format: ppm Max colors: Max layers: Shareware: Freeware (non-commercial distribution) Source Available: Yes, C source at ftp site. Comments: Uses a descriptive language to create shapes which can be rendered using 5 different algorithms. Very flexible. Incredible quality output. Many beautiful examples available at: Author: Pascal Massimino Ecole Normale Superieure 45 rue d'Ulm 75005 PARIS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for additions and comments:,