Instructions for using the WWW ILPNET support

The necessary infrastructure for each node within a WWW-supported ILPNET organization includes: We propose the use of the WWW software located at the ftp site which includes the HTTP server software (on the /Mosaic/NCSA_HTTPD directory) and the Mosaic client software (on the /Mosaic directory). Using Mosaic, detailed information on WWW is easily accessed.

We propose that each ILPNET node prepares a local ILPNET title page in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) (HTML is a language very similar to LaTeX. Automatic conversion from LaTeX to HTML is made possible by different HTML converters). Besides the general information about the research group, contained in the title page, each node should prepare a complete list of ILP publications, as well as datasets and software descriptions. In the ideal case, these should include pointers to the actual documents, datasets and executable software. The demo title page and ILP database organization for the Ljubljana node will be made available to ILPNET partners by June 1994.

D. Zupanic