@String(BIBLE = {Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach}) @String(ILP = {Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(MML = {Machine Learning, Meta-Reasoning and Logics}) @String(IJCAI75 = {Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI77 = {Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI79 = {Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI81 = {Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI83 = {Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI85 = {Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI87 = {Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI89 = {Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI91 = {Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI93 = {Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(IJCAI93WS = {Proceedings of the IJCAI-93 Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(ML87 = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning}) @String(ML88 = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning}) @String(ML89 = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning}) @String(ML90 = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(ML91 = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Machine Learning}) @String(ML92 = {Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Machine Learning}) @String(ML93 = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(ML94 = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(ML96 = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(ML96WS = {Proceedings of the MLnet Familiarization Workshop on Data Mining with Inductive Logic Programing}) @String(ECAI88 = {Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(ECAI90 = {Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(ECAI90WS = {Proceedings of the ECAI-90 Workshop on Validation, Verification and Testing of Knowledge-Based Systems}) @String(ECAI92 = {Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(ECAI92WS = {Proceedings of the ECAI-92 Workshop on Logical Approaches to Machine Learning}) @String(ECAI94 = {Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(ECAI96 = {Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(ILP91 = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(ILP92 = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(ILP93 = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(ILP94 = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(EWSL87 = {Proceedings of the 2nd European Working Session on Learning}) @String(EWSL88 = {Proceedings of the 3rd European Working Session on Learning}) @String(EWSL89 = {Proceedings of the 4th European Working Session on Learning}) @String(EWSL91 = {Proceedings of the 5th European Working Session on Learning}) @String(ECML93 = {Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(ECML94 = {Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(ECML95 = {Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(MSL91 = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multistrategy Learning}) @String(MSL93 = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multistrategy Learning}) @String(MSL96 = {Proceedings of the 3nd International Workshop on Multistrategy Learning}) @String(AAAI82 = {Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI86 = {Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI87 = {Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI88 = {Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI90 = {Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI91 = {Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI92 = {Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI93 = {Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI94 = {Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI95 = {Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI96 = {Proceedings of the 14th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(AAAI93WS = {Proceedings of the AAAI-93 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases}) @String(AAAI94WS = {Proceedings of the AAAI-94 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases}) @String(ISMIS96 = {Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems}) @String(ISMIS95 = {Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems}) @String(ISMIS94 = {Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems}) @String(ISMIS93 = {Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems}) @String(ISMIS91 = {Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems}) @String(ISMIS90 = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems}) @String(ISMIS89 = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems}) @String(ALT90 = {Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory}) @String(ALT93 = {Proceedings of the 4st Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory}) @String(ISSEK92 = {Proceedings of the 6th International School for the Synthesis of Expert Knowledge}) @String(BK = {Brazdil, P.B. and Konolige, K.}) @String(KM = {Kodratoff, Y. and Michalski, R.S.}) @String(MCM = {Michalski, R.S and Carbonell, J.G. and Mitchell, T.M.}) @String(DEPTCW = {Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven}) @String(ACMCS = {ACM Computing Surveys}) @String(AI = {Artificial Intelligence}) @String(CACM = {Communications of the ACM}) @String(CI = {Computational Intelligence}) @String(IJIS = {International Journal of Intelligent Systems}) @String(IJMMS = {International Journal of Man-Machine Studies}) @String(JETAI = {Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence}) @String(JLP = {Journal of Logic Programming}) @String(KA = {Knowledge Acquisition}) @String(ML = {Machine Learning}) @String(NGC = {New Generation Computing}) @String(AAAIP = {AAAI Press}) @String(ACM = {ACM Press}) @String(AP = {Academic Press}) @String(AW = {Addison-Wesley}) @String(EH = {Ellis Horwood}) @String(JWS = {John Wiley}) @String(JSI = {J. Stefan Institute}) @String(KAC = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}) @String(MIT = {The MIT Press}) @String(MK = {Morgan Kaufmann}) @String(PIT = {Pitman}) @String(SV = {Springer-Verlag}) @String(LNAI = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}) @String(LNCS = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}) @String(CISM = {CISM Courses and Lectures}) @String(IJCAI95 = {Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(MK = {Morgan Kaufmann}) @String(ILP = {Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(ILP95 = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(ILP96 = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(DEPTCW = {Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven}) @String(ILP = {Inductive Logic Programming}) @String(ECAI92 = {Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence}) @String(ALT95 = {Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory}) @String(ICML92 = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(ICML93 = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(ICML94 = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(ECML93 = {Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Machine Learning}) @String(PAP96 = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Practical Application of Prolog}) @String(ACMCS = {ACM Computing Surveys}) @String(AI = {Artificial Intelligence}) @String(CACM = {Communications of the ACM}) @String(CI = {Computational Intelligence}) @String(IJIS = {International Journal of Intelligent Systems}) @String(IJMMS = {International Journal of Man-Machine Studies}) @String(JAIR = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research}) @String(JETAI = {Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence}) @String(JLP = {Journal of Logic Programming}) @String(KA = {Knowledge Acquisition}) @String(ML = {Machine Learning}) @String(NGC = {New Generation Computing}) @String(AAAIP = {AAAI Press}) @String(ACM = {ACM Press}) @String(AP = {Academic Press}) @String(AW = {Addison-Wesley}) @String(EH = {Ellis Horwood}) @String(JWS = {John Wiley}) @String(JSI = {J. Stefan Institute}) @String(KAC = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}) @String(MIT = {The MIT Press}) @String(MK = {Morgan Kaufmann}) @String(PIT = {Pitman}) @String(IOS = {IOS Press}) @String(OUP = {Oxford University Press}) @String(SV = {Springer-Verlag}) @String(LNAI = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}) @String(LNCS = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}) @InProceedings(Mor94-ILP94, Author = "Morik, K.", Title = "The Art of {ILP} Aplications", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "3-4", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Sai94-ILP94, Author = "Saitta, L.", Title = "{ILP}: An Alternative View", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "5-6", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Vit94-ILP94, Author = "Vitanyi, P.", Title = "Inductive Reasoning", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "7-10", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(BerGun94-ILP94, Author = "Bergadano, F. and Gunetti, D.", Title = "Learning Clauses by Tracing Derivations", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "11-30", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(BosIde94-ILP94, Author = "Bostr{\"{o}}m, H. and Idestam-Almquist, P.", Title = "Specialization of Logic Programs by Pruning {SLD}-Trees", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "31-48", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(RaeDze94-ILP94, Author = "De Raedt, L. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "First-order jk-clausal Theories are {PAC}-Learnable", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "49-50", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994, Note = "(Abstract)" ) @InProceedings(Emd94-ILP94, Author = "Emde, W.", Title = "Inductive Learning of Characteristic Concept Descriptions", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "51-70", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Fla94-ILP94, Author = "Flach, P.A.", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming and Philosophy of Science", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "71-84", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(HamNil94-ILP94, Author = "Hamfelt, A. and Nilsson, J.F.", Title = "Inductive Metalogic Programming", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "85-96", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(KieLub94-ILP94, Author = "Kietz, J-U. and L{\"{u}}bbe, M.", Title = "An Efficient Subsumption Algorithm for Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "97-106", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Kli94-ILP94, Author = "Klingspor, V.", Title = "{GRDT}: Enhancing Model-based Learning for Its Application in Robot Navigation", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "107-122", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Kov94-ILP94, Author = "Kova\v{c}i\v{c}, M.", Title = "{MILP} - {A} stochastic approach to Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "123-138", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(MugPag94-ILP94-a, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Page, C.D.", Title = "A Learnability Model for Universal Representations", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "139-160", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(MugPag94-ILP94-b, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Page, C.D.", Title = "Self-saturation of Definite Clauses", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "161-174", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(PaaGyiHor94-ILP94, Author = "Paakki, J. and Gyim\'{o}thy, T. and Horv\'{a}th, T.", Title = "Effective Algorithmic Debugging for Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "175-194", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(SebRou94-ILP94, Author = "Sebag, M. and Rouveirol, C.", Title = "Induction of Maximally General Clauses Consistent with Integrity Constraints", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "195-216", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(SriMugKin94-ILP94, Author = "Srinivasan, A. and Muggleton, S. and King, R.D. and Sternberg, M.J.E.", Title = "Mutagenesis: {ILP} experiments in a non-determinate biological domain", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "217-232", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(StaWeb94-ILP94, Author = "Stahl, I. and Weber, I.", Title = "The Arguments of Newly Invented Predicates in {ILP}", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "233-246", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(LaaNie94-ILP94, Author = "van der Laag, P.R.J. and Nienhuys-Cheng, S-H.", Title = "A Note on Ideal Refinement Operators in {ILP}", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "247-262", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(AmiCheSam94-ILP94, Author = "Amin, A. and Chen, C.P. and Sammut, C. and Sum, K.C.", Title = "Learning to Recognise Hand-printed {C}hinese Characters using {ILP}", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "263-272", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Cam94-ILP94, Author = "Camacho, R.", Title = "Learning stage transition rules with {I}ndlog", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "273-290", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(DehLaeRae94-ILP94, Author = "Dehaspe, L. and Van Laer, W. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Applications of a logical discovery engine", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "291-304", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(DolBraJez94-ILP94, Author = "Dol\v{s}ak, B. and Bratko, I. and Jezernik, A.", Title = "Finite Element Mesh Design: An Engineering Domain for {ILP} Application", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "305-320", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Fur94-ILP94, Author = "F{\"{u}}rnkranz, J.", Title = "Pruning Methods for Rule Learning Algorithms", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "321-336", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Mar94-ILP94, Author = "Markov, Z.", Title = "Relational Learning by Heuristic Evaluation of Ground Data", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "337-350", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(PopFleSte94-ILP94, Author = "Popelinsk{\' y}, L. and Flener, P. and {\v S}t{\v e}p{\' a}nkov{\' a}, O.", Title = "{ILP} and Automatic Programming: Towards Three Approaches", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "351-364", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Sio94-ILP94, Author = "Siou, E.", Title = "A Bidirectional search for clauses", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "365-376", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Som94-ILP94, Author = "Sommer, E.", Title = "Rulebase Stratifications: An approach to theory restructuring", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "377-390", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(WebTau94-ILP94, Author = "Weber, I. and Tausend, B.", Title = "A three-tiered Confidence Model for Revising Logical Theories", Editor = "Wrobel, S.", Publisher = "{G}esellschaft f{\"{u}}r {M}athematik und {D}atenverarbeitung {MBH}", Pages = "391-402", Series = "{GMD}-Studien", Volume = 237, Booktitle = ILP94, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(BelWeb93-ILP93, Author = "Bell, S. and Weber, S.", Title = "On the close logical relationship between {FOIL} and the frameworks of {H}elft and {P}lotkin", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "1-10", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(BerBruGun93-ILP93, Author = "Bergadano, F. and Brussoti, S. and Gunetti, D. and Trinchero, U.", Title = "Inductive test case generation", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "11-24", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(RaeBru93-ILP93, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "A theory of clausal discovery", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "25-40", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Coh93-ILP93-a, Author = "Cohen, W.W.", Title = "Learnability of restricted logic programs", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "41-72", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Coh93-ILP93-b, Author = "Cohen, W.W.", Title = "{PAC}-learning a restricted class of recursive logic programs", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "73-86", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Jun93-ILP93, Author = "Jung, B.", Title = "On inverting generality relations", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "87-102", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(FraPag93-ILP93, Author = "Frazier, M. and Page, C.D.", Title = "Learnability of recursive, non-determinate theories: Some basic results and techniques", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "103-126", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Sam93-ILP93, Author = "Sammut, C.", Title = "The origins of Inductive Logic Programming: A prehistoric tale", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "127-148", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Kie93-ILP93, Author = "Kietz, J-U.", Title = "A comparative study of structural most specific generalizations used in machine learning", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "149-164", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Tay93-ILP93, Author = "Taylor, K.", Title = "Inverse resolution of normal clauses", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "165-178", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(AdeRaeBru93-ILP93, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Theory revision", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "179-192", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(BraJor93-ILP93, Author = "Brazdil, P. and Jorge, A.", Title = "Exploiting algorithm sketches in {ILP}", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "193-204", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Tau93-ILP93, Author = "Tausend, B.", Title = "A unifying representation for language restrictions", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "205-220", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(RaeLavDze93-ILP93, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Multiple predicate learning", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "221-240", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Ide93-ILP93, Author = "Idestam-Almquist, P.", Title = "Recursive anti-unification", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "241-254", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(LapLinMat93-ILP93, Author = "Lapointe, S. and Ling, C.X. and Matwin, S.", Title = "Constructive Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "255-264", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Mar93-ILP93, Author = "Markov, Z.", Title = "Inductive inference in networks of relations", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "265-278", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(BraGro93-ILP93, Author = "Bratko, I. and Grobelnik, M.", Title = "Inductive learning applied to program construction and verification", Booktitle = ILP93, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = JSI, Pages = "279-292", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Aka92-ILP92, Author = "Akama, K.", Title = "A theory of predicate invention", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Mug92-ILP92-a, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "A theoretical framework for predicate invention", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Note = "Abstract only", Year = 1992, Pages = 18 ) @InProceedings(Mug92-ILP92-b, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inverting implication", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992, Pages = "19-39" ) @InProceedings(Gil92-ILP92, Author = "Gillies, D.", Title = "Confirmation theory and machine learning", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(FenMug92-ILP92, Author = "Feng, C. and Muggleton, S.", Title = "Towards inductive generalization in higher order logic", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Har92-ILP92, Author = "Harao, M.", Title = "Abstraction based analogical reasoning for natural deduction proof", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(HirAri92-ILP92, Author = "Hirowatari, E. and Arikawa, S.", Title = "Explanation-based generalization by analogical reasoning", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Jan92-ILP92, Author = "Jantke, K.", Title = "Fundamental Properties of Inductive Reasoning", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Koc92-ILP92, Author = "Koch, G.", Title = "A personal approach to linguistics oriented Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(SriMugBai92-ILP92, Author = "Srinivasan, A. and Muggleton, S. and Bain, M.", Title = "Distinguishing exceptions from noise in non-monotonic learning", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(DzeBra92-ILP92, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Bratko, I.", Title = "Handling noise in Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(LavCesDze92-ILP92, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Cestnik, B. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Use of heuristics in empirical inductive logic programming", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(MizOhw92-ILP92, Author = "Mizoguchi, F. and Ohwada, H.", Title = "Constraint-directed generalization for learning spatial relations", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(MooRic92-ILP92, Author = "Mooney, R.J. and Richards, B.", Title = "Automated debugging of logic programs via theory revision", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(TanNumShi92-ILP92, Author = "Tangkitvanich, S. and Numao, M. and Shimura, M.", Title = "Correcting multiple faults in the concept and subconcepts by learning and abduction", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Bai92-ILP92, Author = "Bain, M.", Title = "Learning optimal {KRK} strategies", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(KinMugLew92-ILP92, Author = "King, R.D. and Muggleton, S. and Lewis, R. and Sternberg, M.J.E", Title = "Drug design by machine learning ", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(MugKinSte92-ILP92, Author = "Muggleton, S. and King, R.D. and Sternberg, M.J.E", Title = "Protein secondary structure prediction using logic", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992, Pages = "228-259" ) @InProceedings(Mor92-ILP92, Author = "Morales, E.", Title = "Testing the applicability of {ILP} systems", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Sam92-ILP92, Author = "Sammut, C.", Title = "Automatically constructing control systems by observing human behaviour", Booktitle = ILP92, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Series = "Report {ICOT TM}-1182", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Ban91-ILP91, Author = "Banerji, R.B.", Title = "Learning Theoretical Terms", Pages = "3-22", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(Fla91-ILP91, Author = "Flach, P.A.", Title = "Towards a Logical Theory of Inductive Learning", Pages = "23-32", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(KijNumShi91-ILP91, Author = "Kijsirikul, B. and Numao, M. and Shimura, M.", Title = "Efficient Learning of Logic Programs with non-determinate, Non-discriminating Literals", Pages = "33-40", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(Lin91-ILP91-a, Author = "Ling, C.X.", Title = "Logic Program Synthesis from Good Examples", Pages = "41-58", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(Lin91-ILP91-b, Author = "Ling, C.X.", Title = "Non-Monotonic Specialization", Pages = "59-68", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(PagFri91-ILP91, Author = "Page, C.D. and Frisch, A.M.", Title = "Genaralizing Sorted and Constrained Atoms", Pages = "69-82", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(SabAdeRae91-ILP91, Author = "Sablon, G. and Ad\'{e}, H. and De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Some Thoughts on Inverse Resolution", Pages = "83-91", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(GabGilHun91-ILP91, Author = "Gabbay, D. and Gilles, D. and Hunter, A. and Muggleton, S. and Ng, Y. and Richards, B.", Title = "The Rule-based Systems Project", Pages = "95-106", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(KieWro91-ILP91, Author = "Kietz, J-U. and Wrobel, S.", Title = "Controlling the Complexity of Learning in Logic through Syntactic and Task-oriented Models", Pages = "107-126", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(Rou91-ILP91, Author = "Rouveirol, C.", Title = "{ITOU}: Induction of First Order Theories", Pages = "127-158", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(TauBel91-ILP91, Author = "Tausend, B. and Bell, S.", Title = "Analogical Reasoning for Logic Programming", Pages = "159-166", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(WirRor91-ILP91, Author = "Wirth, R. and O'Rorke, P.", Title = "Inductive Completion of {SLD} Proofs", Pages = "167-176", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(Wol91-ILP91, Author = "Wolff, J.", Title = "On the Integration of Learning, Logical Deduction and Probabilistic Inference", Pages = "177-192", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(Bai91-ILP91, Author = "Bain, M.", Title = "Experiments in Non-monotonic First-order Induction", Pages = "195-206", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(BraMugVar91-ILP91, Author = "Bratko, I. and Muggleton, S. and Var\v{s}ek, A.", Title = "Learning Qualitative Models of Dynamic Systems", Pages = "207-224", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(DolMug91-ILP91, Author = "Dol\v{s}ak, B. and Muggleton, S.", Title = "The Application of {ILP} to Finite Element Mesh Design", Pages = "225-242", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(Fen91-ILP91, Author = "Feng, C.", Title = "Inducing Temporal Fault Diagnostic Rules from a Qualitative Model", Pages = "243-258", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(LavDze91-ILP91, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Inductive Learning of Relational Descriptions from Noisy Examples", Pages = "259-278", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(HumSam91-ILP91, Author = "Hume, D. and Sammut, C.", Title = "Applying Inductive Logic Programming in Reactive Environments", Pages = "279-290", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(Mor91-ILP91, Author = "Morales, E.", Title = "Learning Chess Patterns", Pages = "291-307", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP91, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(AhaLapLin94-ECML94, Author = "Aha, D.W. and Lapointe, S. and Ling, C.X. and Matwin, S.", Title = "Inverting Implication with Small Training Sets", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "31-48", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Emd94-ECML94, Author = "Emde, W.", Title = "Inductive Learning of Characteristic Concept Descriptions from Small Sets to Classified Examples", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "103-121", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Fur94-ECML94, Author = "F{\"{u}}rnkranz, J.", Title = "FOSSIL: A Robust Relational Learner", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "122-137", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Bla94-ECML94, Author = "Le Blanc, G.", Title = "{BMWk} Revisited - {G}eneralization and Formalization of an Algorithm for Detecting Recursive Relations in Term Sequences", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "183-197", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(NiePol94-ECML94, Author = "Nienhuys-Cheng, S-H. and Polman, M.", Title = "Sample {PAC}-Learnability in Model Inference", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "217-230", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Pfa94-ECML94, Author = "Pfahringer, B.", Title = "Controlling Constructive Induction in {CIPF}: An {MDL} Approach", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "242-256", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Seb94-ECML94, Author = "Sebag, M.", Title = "Using Constraints to Building Version Spaces", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "257-271", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Sta94-ECML94-a, Author = "Stahl, I.", Title = "On the Utility of Predicate Invention in Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "272-286", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(LaaNie94-ECML94, Author = "van der Laag, P.R.J. and Nienhuys-Cheng, S-H.", Title = "Existence and Nonexistence of Complete Refinement Operators", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "307-322", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(GunTri94-ECML94, Author = "Gunetti, D. and Trinchero, U.", Title = "Intensional Learning of Logic Programs", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "359-362", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(MlaBraPau94-ECML94, Author = "Mladeni\'{c}, D. and Bratko, I. and Paul, R.J. and Grobelnik, M.", Title = "Using Machine Learning Techniques to Interpret Results from Discrete Event Simulation", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "399-402", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Som94-ECML94, Author = "Sommer, E.", Title = "Learning Relations Without Closing the World", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "419-422", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Sta94-ECML94-b, Author = "Stahl, I.", Title = "Properties of Inductive Logic Programming in Function-Free {H}orn Logic", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "423-426", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Tau94-ECML94-a, Author = "Tausend, B.", Title = "Representing Biases for Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "427-430", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(VraMar94-ECML94, Author = "Vrain, C. and Martin, L.", Title = "Inductive Learning of Normal Clauses", Booktitle = ECML94, Volume = 784, Pages = "435-438", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L.", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(QuiCam93-ECML93, Author = "Quinlan, J.R. and Cameron-Jones, R.M.", Title = "{FOIL}: A Midterm Report", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "3-20", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Mug93-ECML93, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming: Derivations, Successes and Shortcomings", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "21-38", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(StaTauWir93-ECML93, Author = "Stahl, I. and Tausend, B. and Wirth, R.", Title = "Two Methods for Improving Inductive Logic Programming Systems", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "41-55", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Ide93-ECML93, Author = "Idestam-Almquist, P.", Title = "Generalization under Implication by Using Or-Introduction", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "56-64", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Wro93-ECML93, Author = "Wrobel, S.", Title = "On the Proper Definition of Minimality in Specialization and Theory Revision", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "65-82", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Fla93-ECML93, Author = "Flach, P.A.", Title = "Predicate Invention in Inductive Data Engineering", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "83-94", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(LaaNie93-ECML93, Author = "van der Laag, P.R.J. and Nienhuys-Cheng, S-H.", Title = "Subsumption and Refinement in Model Inference", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "95-114", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Kie93-ECML93, Author = "Kietz, J-U.", Title = "Some Lower Bounds for the Computational Complexity of Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "115-123", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Bos93-ECML93, Author = "Bostr{\"{o}}m, H.", Title = "Improving Example-Guided Unfolding", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "124-135", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Lan93-ECML93, Author = "Langley, P.", Title = "Induction of Recursive {B}ayesian Classifiers", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "153-164", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Tor93-ECML93, Author = "Torgo, L.", Title = "Controlled Redundancy in Incremental Rule Learning", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "185-195", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Cor93-ECML93, Author = "Cornuejols, A.", Title = "Getting Order Independence in Incremental Learning", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "196-212", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Sta93-ECML93, Author = "Stahl, I.", Title = "Predicate Invention in {ILP} - {A}n Overview", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "313-322", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(BerGun93-ECML93, Author = "Bergadano, F. and Gunetti, D.", Title = "Functional Inductive Logic Programming with Queries to the User", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "323-328", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Nib93-ECML93, Author = "Niblett, T.", Title = "A Note on Refinement Operators", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "329-335", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Nag93-ECML93, Author = "Nagiya, M.", Title = "An Iterative and Bottom-up Procedure for Proving-by-Example", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "336-341", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(DzeMugRus93-ECML93, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Muggleton, S. and Russel, S.", Title = "Learnability of constrained logic programs", Booktitle = ECML93, Editor = "Brazdil, P.", Pages = "342-347", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 667, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(RaeFeyBru91-EWSL91, Title = "Acquiring Object-Knowledge for Learning Systems", Author = "De Raedt, L. and Feyaerts, J. and Bruynooghe, M.", Booktitle = EWSL91, Editor = "Kodratoff, Y.", Pages = "245-264", Volume = 482, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(LavDzeGro91-EWSL91, Title = "Learning Nonrecursive Definitions of Relations with {LINUS}", Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S. and Grobelnik, M.", Booktitle = EWSL91, Editor = "Kodratoff, Y.", Pages = "265-281", Volume = 482, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(NieFla91-EWSL91, Title = "Consistent Term Mappings, Term Partitions and Inverse Resolution", Author = "Nienhuys-Cheng, S-H. and Flach, P.A.", Booktitle = EWSL91, Editor = "Kodratoff, Y.", Pages = "361-374", Volume = 482, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(BraMug91-EWSL91, Title = "Learning to Relate Terms in a Multiple Agent Environment", Author = "Brazdil, P. and Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = EWSL91, Editor = "Kodratoff, Y.", Pages = "424-439", Volume = 482, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(Mor91-EWSL91, Title = "Learning Features by Experimentation in Chess", Author = "Morales, E.", Booktitle = EWSL91, Editor = "Kodratoff, Y.", Pages = "494-511", Volume = 482, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(AhaLapLin94-ML94, Author = "Aha, D.W. and Lapointe, S. and Ling, C.X. and Matwin, S.", Title = "Learning Recursive Relations with Randomly Selected Small Training Sets", Booktitle = ML94, Editor = "Cohen, W.W. and Hirsh, H.", Pages = "12-18", Publisher = MK, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(FurWid94-ML94, Author = "F{\"{u}}rnkranz, J. and Widmer, G.", Title = "Incremental Reduced Error Pruning", Booktitle = ML94, Editor = "Cohen, W.W. and Hirsh, H.", Pages = "70-77", Publisher = MK, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(KieLub94-ML94, Author = "Kietz, J-U. and L{\"{u}}bbe, M.", Title = "An Efficient Subsumption Algorithm for Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ML94, Editor = "Cohen, W.W. and Hirsh, H.", Pages = "130-138", Publisher = MK, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Qui94-ML94, Author = "Quinlan, J.R.", Title = "The Minimum Description Lenght Principle and Categorical Theories", Booktitle = ML94, Editor = "Cohen, W.W. and Hirsh, H.", Pages = "233-241", Publisher = MK, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Seb94-ML94, Author = "Sebag, M.", Title = "A Constraint-based Induction Algorithm in {FOL}", Booktitle = ML94, Editor = "Cohen, W.W. and Hirsh, H.", Pages = "275-283", Publisher = MK, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(ZelMooKon94-ML94, Author = "Zelle, J.M. and Mooney, R.J. and Konvisser, J.B.", Title = "Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Techniques in Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ML94, Editor = "Cohen, W.W. and Hirsh, H.", Pages = "343-351", Publisher = MK, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Mug94-ML94, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Bayesian Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ML94, Editor = "Cohen, W.W. and Hirsh, H.", Pages = "371-379", Publisher = MK, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(DatKib93-ML93, Author = "Datta, P. and Kibler, D.", Title = "Concept Sharing: A Means to Improve Multi-Concept Learning", Booktitle = ML93, Editor = "Utgoff, P.", Pages = "89-96", Publisher = MK, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Ide93-ML93, Author = "Idestam-Almquist, P.", Title = "Generalization under Implication by Recursive Anti-unification", Booktitle = ML93, Editor = "Utgoff, P.", Pages = "151-158", Publisher = MK, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Coh92-ML92, Author = "Cohen, W.W.", Title = "Compiling Prior Knowledge into an Explicit Bias", Booktitle = ML92, Editor = "Sleeman, D. and Edwards, P.", Pages = "102-110", Publisher = MK, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(FenMug92-ML92, Author = "Feng, C. and Muggleton, S.", Title = "Towards Inductive Generalization in Higher Order Logic", Booktitle = ML92, Editor = "Sleeman, D. and Edwards, P.", Pages = "154-162", Publisher = MK, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(GioSal92-ML92, Author = "Giordana, A. and Sale, C.", Title = "Learning Structured Concepts Using Genetic Algorithms", Booktitle = ML92, Editor = "Sleeman, D. and Edwards, P.", Pages = "169-178", Publisher = MK, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(LapMat92-ML92, Author = "Lapointe, S. and Matwin, S.", Title = "Sub-unification: A Tool for Efficient Induction of Recursive Programs", Booktitle = ML92, Editor = "Sleeman, D. and Edwards, P.", Pages = "273-281", Publisher = MK, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(MugSriBai92-ML92, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Srinivasan, A. and Bain, M.", Title = "Compression, significance and accuracy", Booktitle = ML92, Editor = "Sleeman, D. and Edwards, P.", Pages = "338-347", Publisher = MK, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(GioSaiRov91-ML91, Author = "Giordana, A. and Saitta, L. and Roverso, D.", Title = "Abstracting Concepts with Inverse Resolution", Booktitle = ML91, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G.", Pages = "142-146", Publisher = MK, Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(LinNar91-ML91, Author = "Ling, C.X. and Narayan, M.A.", Title = "Comparison of Methods Based on Inverse Resolution", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "168-172", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(SilPaz91-ML91, Author = "Silverstein, G. and Pazzani, M.J.", Title = "Relational Cliches: Constraining Constructive Induction During Relational Learning", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "203-207", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(WatRen91-ML91, Author = "Watanabe, L. and Rendell, L.", Title = "Feature Construction in Structural Decision Trees", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "218-222", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(Bai91-ML91, Author = "Bain, M.", Title = "Experiments in Non-Monotonic Leaning", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "380-384", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(BraMugVar91-ML91, Author = "Bratko, I. and Muggleton, S. and Var\v{s}ek, A.", Title = "Learning Qualitative Models of Dynamic Systems", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "385-388", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(BruPaz91-ML91, Author = "Brunk, C.A. and Pazzani, M.J.", Title = "An Investigation of Noise-Tolerant Relational Concept Learning Algorithms", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "389-393", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(RaeBruMar91-ML91, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M. and Martens, B.", Title = "Integrity Constraints and Interactive Concept-Learning", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "394-398", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(DzeLav91-ML91, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Lavra\v{c}, N.", Title = "Learning Relations from Noisy Examples: An Empirical Comparison of {LINUS} and {FOIL}", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "399-402", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(Fen91-ML91, Author = "Feng, C.", Title = "Inducing Temporal Fault Diagnostic Rules from a Qualitative Model", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "403-406", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(Hum91-ML91, Author = "Hume, D.", Title = "Using Inverse Resolution to Learn Relations from Experiments", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "412-416", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(KijNumShi91-ML91, Author = "Kijsirikul, B. and Numao, M. and Shimura, M.", Title = "Efficient Learning of Logic Programs with Non-determinante, Non-discriminating Literals", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "417-421", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(PagFri91-ML91, Author = "Page, C.D. and Frisch, A.M.", Title = "Learning Constrained Atoms", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "427-431", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(PazBruSil91-ML91, Author = "Pazzani, M.J. and Brunk, C.A. and Silverstein, G.", Title = "A Knowledge-intensive Approach to Learning Relational Concepts", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "432-436", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(Qui91-ML91, Author = "Quinlan, J.R.", Title = "Determinate Literals in Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "442-446", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(RicMoo91-ML91, Author = "Richards, B.L. and Mooney, R.J.", Title = "First-Order Theory Revision", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "447-451", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(Rou91-ML91, Author = "Rouveirol, C.", Title = "Completeness for Inductive Procedures", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "452-456", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(WirRor91-ML91, Author = "Wirth, R. and O'Rorke, P.", Title = "Constraints on Predicate Invention", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "457-461", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(Wog91-ML91, Author = "Wogulis, J.", Title = "Revising Relational Domain Theories", Booktitle = ML91, Publisher = MK, Pages = "462-466", Year = 1991, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G." ) @InProceedings(Hum90-ML90, Author = "Hume, D.", Title = "Learning Procedures by Environment-Driven Constructive Induction", Pages = "113-121", Booktitle = ML90, Editor = "Porter, B. and Mooney, R.J.", Year = 1990, Publisher = MK ) @InProceedings(RouPug90-ML90, Author = "Rouveirol, C. and Puget, J-F.", Title = "Beyond inversion of resolution", Pages = "122-131", Booktitle = ML90, Editor = "Porter, B. and Mooney, R.J.", Year = 1990, Publisher = MK ) @Article(RaeBru92-ML:jrnl, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Interactive concept learning and constructive induction by analogy", Journal = ML, Year = 1992, Pages = "107-150", Volume = 8, Number = 2 ) @Article(RicMoo95-ML:jrnl, Author = "B.L. Richards and R.J. Mooney", Title = "Refinement of first-order {H}orn-clause domain theories", Journal = ML, Year = 1995, Pages = "95-131", Volume = 19, Number = 2 ) @Article(RaeLav96:jrnl, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Lavra\v{c}, N.", Title = "Multiple Predicate Learning in two Inductive Logic Programming Settings", Journal = "Journal on Pure and Applied Logic", Volume = "4(2)", Pages = "227-254", Year = 1996 ) @Article(PazKib92-ML:jrnl, Author = "Pazzani, M.J. and Kibler, D.", Title = "The Utility of Knowledge in Inductive Learning", Journal = ML, Year = 1992, Pages = "57-94", Volume = 9, Number = 1 ) @Article(Bra94-ML:jrnl, Author = "Bratko, I.", Title = "Machine Learning and Qualitative Reasoning", Journal = ML, Year = 1994, Pages = "305-312", Volume = 14, Number = 3 ) @Article(ConWit94-ML:jrnl, Author = "Conklin, D. and Witten, I.H.", Title = "Complexity-Based Induction", Journal = ML, Year = 1994, Pages = "203-226", Volume = 16, Number = 3 ) @Article(Wro94-ML:jrnl, Author = "Wrobel, S.", Title = "Concept Formation During Interactive Theory Revision", Journal = ML, Year = 1994, Pages = "169-192", Volume = 14, Number = 2 ) @Article(KieMor94-ML:jrnl, Author = "Kietz, J-U. and Morik, K.", Title = "A Polynomial Approach to the Constructive Induction of Structural Knowledge", Journal = ML, Year = 1994, Pages = "193-218", Volume = 14, Number = 2 ) @Article(Rou94-ML:jrnl, Author = "Rouveirol, C.", Title = "Flattening and Saturation: Two Representation Changes for Generalization", Journal = ML, Year = 1994, Pages = "219-232", Volume = 14, Number = 2 ) @InCollection(Mug92-ILP:coll, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "3-28", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(PagFri92-ILP:coll, Author = "Page, C.D. and Frisch, A.M.", Title = "Generalization and Learnability: A Study of Constrained Atoms", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "29-62", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(Rou92-ILP:coll, Author = "Rouveirol, C.", Title = "Extensions of Inversion of Resolution Applied to Theory Completion", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "63-92", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(Ban92-ILP:coll, Author = "Banerji, R.B.", Title = "Learning Theoretical Terms", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "93-112", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(Lin92-ILP:coll, Author = "Ling, C.X.", Title = "Logic Program Synthesis from Good Examples", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "113-130", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(LinNar92-ILP:coll, Author = "Ling, C.X. and Narayan, M.A.", Title = "A Critical Comparison of Various Methods Based on Inverse Resolution", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "131-144", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(BaiMug92-ILP:coll, Author = "Bain, M. and Muggleton, S.", Title = "Non-monotonic learning", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "145-161", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(RaeBru92-ILP:coll, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "An Overview of the Interactive Concept-Learner and Theory Revisor {CLINT}", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "163-192", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(Fla92-ILP:coll, Author = "Flach, P.A.", Title = "A Framework for Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "193-212", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(GabGilHun92-ILP:coll, Author = "Gabbay, D. and Gillies, D. and Hunter, A. and Muggleton, S. and Ng, Y. and Richards, B.", Title = "The Rule-Based Systems Project: Using Confirmation Theory and Non-Monotonic Logics for Incremental Learning", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "213-230", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(Aha92-ILP:coll, Author = "Aha, D.W.", Title = "Relating Relational Learning Algorithms", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "233-260", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(MugBun92-ILP:coll, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Buntine, W.", Title = "Machine Invention of First-order Predicates by Inverting Resolution", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "261-280", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(MugFen92-ILP:coll, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Feng, C.", Title = "Efficient Induction in Logic Programs", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "281-298", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(WirRor92-ILP:coll, Author = "Wirth, R. and O'Rorke, P.", Title = "Constraints for Predicate Invention", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "299-318", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(DzeLav92-ILP:coll, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Lavra\v{c}, N.", Title = "Refinement Graphs for {FOIL} and {LINUS}", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "319-334", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(KieWro92-ILP:coll, Author = "Kietz, J-U. and Wrobel, S.", Title = "Controlling the Complexity of Learning in Logic through Syntactic and Task-Oriented Models", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "335-359", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(KijNumShi92-ILP:coll, Author = "Kijsirikul, B. and Numao, M. and Shimura, M.", Title = "Efficient Learning of Logic Programs with Non-Determinate, Non-Discriminating Literals", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "361-372", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(PazBruSil92-ILP:coll, Author = "Pazzani, M.J. and Brunk, C.A. and Silverstein, G.", Title = "An Information-Based Approach to Integrating Empirical and Explanation-Based Learning", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "373-394", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(TauBel92-ILP:coll, Author = "Tausend, B. and Bell, S.", Title = "Analogical Reasoning for Logic Programming", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "397-408", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(SabAdeRae92-ILP:coll, Author = "Sablon, G. and Ad\'{e}, H. and De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Some Thoughts on Inverse Resolution", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "409-422", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(Bai92-ILP:coll, Author = "Bain, M.", Title = "Experiments in Non-Monotonic First-Order Induction", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "423-436", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(BraMugVar92-ILP:coll, Author = "Bratko, I. and Muggleton, S. and Var\v{s}ek, A.", Title = "Learning Qualitative Models of Dynamic Systems", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "437-452", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(DolMug92-ILP:coll, Author = "Dol\v{s}ak, B. and Muggleton, S.", Title = "The Application of Inductive Logic Programming to Finite-Element Mesh Design", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "453-472", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(Fen92-ILP:coll, Author = "Feng, C.", Title = "Inducing Temporal Fault Diagnostic Rules from a Qualitative Model", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "473-494", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(LavDze92-ILP:coll, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Inductive Learning of Relations from Noisy Examples", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "495-516", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(Mor92-ILP:coll, Author = "Morales, E.", Title = "Learning Chess Patterns", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "517-538", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(HumSam92-ILP:coll, Author = "Hume, D. and Sammut, C.", Title = "Applying Inductive Logic Programming in Reactive Environments", Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = ILP, Pages = "539-549", Year = 1992, Publisher = AP ) @InProceedings(Coh93-IJCAI93, Author = "Cohen, W.W.", Title = "Rule Learning Systems", Booktitle = IJCAI93, Editor = "Bajcsy, R.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "988-994", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(LapLinMat93-IJCAI93, Author = "Lapointe, S. and Ling, C.X. and Matwin, S.", Title = "Constructive Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = IJCAI93, Editor = "Bajcsy, R.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1030-1036", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(RaeLavDze93-IJCAI93, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Multiple Predicate Learning", Booktitle = IJCAI93, Editor = "Bajcsy, R.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1037-1043", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(BerGun93-IJCAI93, Author = "Bergadano, F. and Gunetti, D.", Title = "An interactive system to learn functional logic programs", Booktitle = IJCAI93, Editor = "Bajcsy, R.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1044-1049", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(CamQui93-IJCAI93, Author = "Cameron-Jones, R.M. and Quinlan, J.R.", Title = "Avoiding Pitfalls When Learning Recursive Theories", Booktitle = IJCAI93, Editor = "Bajcsy, R.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1050-1057", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(RaeBru93-IJCAI93, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "A Theory of Clausal Discovery", Booktitle = IJCAI93, Editor = "Bajcsy, R.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1058-1063", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(AliPaz93-IJCAI93, Author = "Ali, K.M. and Pazzani, M.J.", Title = "HYDRA: A Noise-tolerant Relational Concept Learning Algorithm", Booktitle = IJCAI93, Editor = "Bajcsy, R.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1064-1071", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(ZelMoo93-IJCAI93, Author = "Zelle, J.M. and Mooney, R.J.", Title = "Combining {FOIL} and {EBG} to Speed-up Logic Programming", Booktitle = IJCAI93, Editor = "Bajcsy, R.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1106-1113", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Rou91-IJCAI91, Author = "Rouveirol, C.", Title = "Semantic Model for Induction of First Order Theories", Year = 1991, Editor = "Mylopoulos, J. and Reiter, R.", Booktitle = IJCAI91, Publisher = MK ) @InProceedings(Qui91-IJCAI91, Author = "Quinlan, J.R.", Title = "Determinate Literals in Inductive Logic Programming", Year = 1991, Editor = "Mylopoulos, J. and Reiter, R.", Booktitle = IJCAI91, Publisher = MK ) @InProceedings(Lin91-IJCAI91, Author = "Ling, C.X.", Title = "Inductive Learning from Good Examples", Year = 1991, Editor = "Mylopoulos, J. and Reiter, R.", Booktitle = IJCAI91, Publisher = MK ) @InProceedings(KirSte91-IJCAI91, Author = "Kirschenbaum, M. and Sterling, L.S.", Title = "Refinement Strategies for Inductive Learning of Simple {P}rolog Programs", Year = 1991, Editor = "Mylopoulos, J. and Reiter, R.", Booktitle = IJCAI91, Publisher = MK ) @InProceedings(WatRen91-IJCAI91, Author = "Watanabe, L. and Rendell, L.", Title = "Learning Structural Decision Trees from Examples", Year = 1991, Editor = "Mylopoulos, J. and Reiter, R.", Booktitle = IJCAI91, Publisher = MK ) @InProceedings(DzeTod93-IJCAI93WS, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Todorovski, L.", Title = "Discovery Dynamics: {F}rom Inductive Logic Programming to Machine Discovery", Booktitle = IJCAI93WS, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L. and Matwin, S. and Muggleton, S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1-13", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Fur93-IJCAI93WS, Author = "F{\"{u}}rnkranz, J.", Title = "Avoiding Noise Fitting in a {FOIL}-like Learning Algorithm", Booktitle = IJCAI93WS, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L. and Matwin, S. and Muggleton, S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "14-23", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Coh93-IJCAI93WS, Author = "Cohen, W.W.", Title = "Rapid Prototyping of {ILP} Systems Using Explicit Bias", Booktitle = IJCAI93WS, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L. and Matwin, S. and Muggleton, S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "24-35", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Wog93-IJCAI93WS, Author = "Wogulis, J.", Title = "Handling Negation in First-Order Theory Revision", Booktitle = IJCAI93WS, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L. and Matwin, S. and Muggleton, S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "36-46", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(AhaLinMat93-IJCAI93WS, Author = "Aha, D.W. and Ling, C.X. and Matwin, S. and Lapointe, S.", Title = "Learning Singly-recursive Relations from Small Datasets", Booktitle = IJCAI93WS, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L. and Matwin, S. and Muggleton, S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "47-58", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(RouAdeRae93-IJCAI93WS, Author = "Rouveirol, C. and Ad\'{e}, H. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Bottom-up generalization in {ILP}", Booktitle = IJCAI93WS, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L. and Matwin, S. and Muggleton, S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "59-70", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(SilPaz93-IJCAI93WS, Author = "Silverstein, G. and Pazzani, M.J.", Title = "Learning Relational Cliches", Booktitle = IJCAI93WS, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L. and Matwin, S. and Muggleton, S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "71-82", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(ZelMoo93-IJCAI93WS, Author = "Zelle, J.M. and Mooney, R.J.", Title = "{ILP} Techniques for Learning Semantic Grammars", Booktitle = IJCAI93WS, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L. and Matwin, S. and Muggleton, S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "83-92", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(KawFur93-IJCAI93WS, Author = "Kawamura, T. and Furukawa, K.", Title = "Towards Inductive Generalization in Constraint Logic Programs", Booktitle = IJCAI93WS, Editor = "Bergadano, F. and De Raedt, L. and Matwin, S. and Muggleton, S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "93-104", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Cus92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Cussens, J.", Title = "Estimating Rule Accuracies from Training Data", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(LavCesDze92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Cestnik, B. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Search heuristics in empirical inductive logic programming", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(DzeBra92-ECAI92WS, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Bratko, I.", Title = "Using the $m$-estimate in inductive logic programming", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Gro92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Grobelnik, M.", Title = "{MARKUS}: {A}n optimized Model Inference System", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Gro93, Author = "Grobelnik, M.", Title = "Induction of {P}rolog programs with {MARKUS}", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation", Editor = "Y. Deville", Publisher = {Workshops in Computing, Springer-Verlag}, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(SriMugBai92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Srinarasan, A. and Muggleton, S. and Bain, M.", Title = "Distinguishing exceptions from noise in non monotonic learning", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(JanBosIde92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Jansson, C.G. and Bostr{\"{o}}m, H. and Idestam-Almquist, P.", Title = "Theory Revision in a Logic Programming Framework", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Kie92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Kietz, J-U.", Title = "A comparative study of structural most specific generalizations used in machine learning", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Mug92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inverting Implication", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Fla92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Flach, P.A.", Title = "Generality revisited", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(RouRae92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Rouveirol, C. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "The use of background knowledge for generalization in {ILP}", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(AdeBru92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "A comparative study of declarative and dynamically adjustable language bias in concept learning", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(MeyHan92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Meyer, M. and Hanschke, P.", Title = "An alternative to q-subsuption based on terminological reasoning", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(StaTauWir92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Stahl, I. and Tausend, B. and Wirth, R.", Title = "Induction of Disjunctive Concepts via Partitioning of the Example Set", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Tau92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Tausend, B.", Title = "Using and adapting schemes for the induction of {H}orn clauses", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Mor92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Morales, E.", Title = "Learning Patterns for Playing {KRK}", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(BraJor92-ECAI92WS, Author = "Brazdil, P. and Jorge, A.", Title = "Modular Approach to {ILP}: Learning from Interaction between modules", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(RaeBru92-ECAI92WS-a, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Discovering clausal theories in databases", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1992 ) @Article(Mug94:jrnl, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming", Journal = "SIGART Bulletin", Pages = "5-11", Volume = 5, Number = 1, Publisher = ACM, Year = 1994 ) @Article(MooZel94:jrnl, Author = "Mooney, R.J. and Zelle, J. M.", Title = "Integrating {ILP} and {EBL}", Journal = "SIGART Bulletin", Pages = "12-21", Volume = 5, Number = 1, Publisher = ACM, Year = 1994 ) @Article(KieDze94:jrnl, Author = "Kietz, J-U. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Inductive logic programming and learnability", Journal = "SIGART Bulletin", Pages = "22-32", Volume = 5, Number = 1, Publisher = ACM, Year = 1994 ) @Article(CamQui94:jrnl, Author = "Cameron-Jones, M.R. and Quinlan, J.R.", Title = "Efficient Top-down Induction of Logic Programs", Journal = "SIGART Bulletin", Pages = "33-42", Volume = 5, Number = 1, Publisher = ACM, Year = 1994 ) @Article(BraKin94:jrnl, Author = "Bratko, I. and King, R.D.", Title = "Applications of Inductive Logic Programming", Journal = "SIGART Bulletin", Pages = "43-56", Volume = 5, Number = 1, Publisher = ACM, Year = 1994 ) @Book(Rae92:book, Author = "De Raedt, L.", Title = "Interactive Theory Revision: An Inductive Logic Programming Approach", Publisher = AP, Year = 1992 ) @Book(MorWroKie93:book, Author = "Morik, K. and Wrobel, S. and Kietz, J-U. and Emde, W.", Title = "Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning: Theory, Methods and Applications", Publisher = AP, Year = 1993 ) @Book(LavDze94:book, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming: Techniques and Applications", Publisher = EH, Year = 1994 ) @Book(Fle94:book, Author = "Flener, P.", Title = "Logic Program Synthesis from Incomplete Information", Publisher = KAC, Year = 1994, Series = "The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science", Volume = 295 ) @Book(Wro94:book, Author = "Wrobel, S.", Title = "Concept Formation and Knowledge Revision", Publisher = KAC, Year = 1994 ) @Book(Mug92:book, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming", Publisher = AP, Year = 1992 ) @MastersThesis(Ade90:msc, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H.", Title = "Inverse resolutie en automatisch leren", Note = "(In Dutch)", School = DEPTCW, Year = 1990 ) @InProceedings(AdeBru92, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "A comparative study of declarative and dynamically adjustable language bias in concept learning", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the ML-92 {W}orkshop on Biases in Inductive Learning", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(AdeRaeBru91, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Inverse resolutie in een geintegreerd inductief - deductief leersysteem: {SWAN}", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th Dutch AI Conference", Note = "(In Dutch)", Pages = "299-308", Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(AdeRaeBru92-ECAI92, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Inverse resolution in an integrated inductive - deductive learning system", Booktitle = ECAI92, Editor = "Neumann, B.", Pages = "456-457", Publisher = JWS, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(AdeRaeBru93, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "R\'{e}vision de Th\'{e}orie: {A}pproche logique", Booktitle = "Actes des Journ\'{e}es Francophones sur l'Apprentissage", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(AdeMalRae94, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and Malfait, B. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "{RUTH}: {A}n {ILP} approach to Theory Revision", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning", Year = 1994, Pages = "64-74" ) @InProceedings(AdeMalRae94-ISMIS94, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and Malfait, B. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "{RUTH}: {A}n {ILP} Theory Revision System", Booktitle = ISMIS94, Series = LNAI, Volume = 869, Pages = "336-345", Publisher = SV, Year = 1994 ) @InCollection(BaiMug91:coll, Author = "Bain, M. and Muggleton, S.", Title = "Non-monotonic learning", Editor = "Hayes-Michie, J.E. and Tyugu, E.", Booktitle = "Machine Intelligence", Volume = 12, Year = 1991, Publisher = "Oxford University Press" ) @InProceedings(Ber93, Author = "Bergadano, F.", Title = "Test case generation by means of learning techniques", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM-SIGSOFT Conference", Year = 1993 ) @TechReport(Ber93:tr, Title = "Towards an inductive logic programming language", Author = "Bergadano, F. ", Institution = "Computer Science Department, University of Torino", Number = "ESPRIT project no. 6020 ILP Deliverable TO1", Year = 1993 ) @MastersThesis(Ble92:msc, Author = "Bleken, E.", Title = "Machine learning in an adventure game", School = DEPTCW, Year = 1992 ) @MastersThesis(Blo94:msc, Author = "Blockeel, H.", Title = "Natural language processing and inductive logic programming", School = DEPTCW, Year = 1994 ) @MastersThesis(BonPol94:msc, Author = "Bonne, D. and Polley, A.", Title = "An application of inductive logic programming in banking", School = DEPTCW, Note = "(In Dutch)", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Bra93, Author = "Bratko, I.", Title = "Innovative design as learning from examples", Booktitle = "Proceedings International Conference Design to Manufacture in Modern Industry", Year = 1993, Pages = "355-362" ) @InCollection(BraGro93:coll, Author = "Bratko, I. and Grobelnik, M.", Title = "Inductive learning applied to program construction and verification", Booktitle = "Pattern-Directed Inference Systems", Year = 1993, Pages = "169-182", Publisher = "North-Holland", Editor = "Cuena, J." ) @Article(Bun87-IJMMS:jrnl, Author = "Buntine, W.", Title = "Induction of {H}orn-Clauses: {M}ethods and the plausible generalization algorithm", Journal = IJMMS, Volume = 26, Pages = "499-520", Year = 1987 ) @Article(Bun88-AI:jrnl, Author = "Buntine, W.", Title = " Generalized subsumption and its application to induction and redundancy", Journal = AI, Volume = 36, Pages = "375-399", Year = 1988 ) @MastersThesis(Cha91:msc, Author = "Chaouat, G.", Title = "Towards an autonomous learning agent in an adventure game", School = DEPTCW, Year = 1991 ) @MastersThesis(Cog93:msc, Author = "Coget, V.", Title = "Learning evaluation functions in an adventure game", School = DEPTCW, Year = 1993 ) @Article(Coh94-AI:jrnl, Author = "Cohen, W.W.", Title = "Grammatically biased learning: {L}earning logic programs using an explicit antecedent description language", Journal = AI, Volume = 68, Pages = "303-366", Year = 1994 ) @PhdThesis(Rae91:phd, Author = "De Raedt, L.", Title = "Interactive Concept-Learning", Year = 1991, School = DEPTCW ) @InProceedings(Rae92, Author = "De Raedt, L. ", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming: {A}n introduction", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces", Pages = "17-22", Year = 1992, Note = "(Invited paper)" ) @Article(Rae95:jrnl, Title = "Inductive Logic Programming and Scientific Discovery", Author = "De Raedt, L.", Year = 1995, Journal = "Academia Analecta", Volume = 57, Number = 2, Pages = "101-128" ) @InProceedings(Rae93, Author = "De Raedt, L.", Year = 1993, Title = "A brief introduction to inductive logic programming", Editor = "Miller, D.", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Logic Programming", Publisher = "The {MIT} Press", Pages = "45-51" ) @InProceedings(RaeBleCog93-MSL93, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bleken, E. and Coget, V. and Ghil, C. and Swennen, B. and Bruynooghe, M.", Year = 1993, Title = "Learning to survive", Booktitle = MSL93, Pages = "92-106" ) @InProceedings(RaeBru88-EWSL88, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "On interactive concept-learning and assimilation", Booktitle = EWSL88, Year = 1988, Publisher = PIT, Editor = "Sleeman, D." ) @InProceedings(RaeBru89-ML89, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Year = 1989, Title = "Constructive Induction by Analogy", Booktitle = ML89, Publisher = MK, Pages = "476-477" ) @InProceedings(RaeBru89-EWSL89, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Year = 1989, Title = "Constructive Induction by Analogy: {A} method to learn how to learn?", Booktitle = EWSL89, Editor = "Morik, K.", Publisher = PIT, Pages = "189-200" ) @InProceedings(RaeBru89, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Year = 1989, Title = "On Explanation and Bias in Inductive Concept-Learning", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd European Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge Based Systems Workshop", Pages = "338-353" ) @InProceedings(RaeBru89-IJCAI89, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Towards friendly concept-learners", Booktitle = IJCAI89, Year = 1989, Pages = "849-856", Publisher = MK ) @Article(RaeBru90-KA:jrnl, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Indirect relevance and bias in inductive concept-learning", Journal = KA, Year = 1990, Volume = 2, Pages = "365-390" ) @InProceedings(RaeBru90, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Interactief leren van concepten: {E}en overzicht", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Dutch AI Conference", Note = "(In Dutch)", Year = 1990 ) @InProceedings(RaeBru90-ECAI90, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "On negation and three-valued logic in interactive concept-learning", Booktitle = ECAI90, Year = 1990, Publisher = PIT, Editor = "Aiello, L.C.", Pages = "207-212" ) @InProceedings(RaeBru90-ECAI90WS, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Using interactive Concept-learning for knowledge base validation, verification and testing", Booktitle = ECAI90WS, Year = 1990 ) @InProceedings(RaeBru91-MSL91, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Year = 1991, Title = "{CLINT}: {A} multistrategy interactive concept-learner and theory revision system", Booktitle = MSL91, Pages = "175-191" ) @Article(RaeBru92-AI:jrnl, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Belief updating from integrity constraints and queries", Journal = AI, Year = 1992, Volume = 53, Pages = "291-307" ) @InProceedings(RaeBru92-ECAI92WS-b, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "A clausal discovery engine", Editor = "Rouveirol, C.", Booktitle = ECAI92WS, Year = 1992, Note = "(Extended abstract)" ) @InProceedings(RaeBru92-ISSEK92, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "A clausal discovery engine", Booktitle = ISSEK92, Year = 1992, Note = "(Extended abstract)" ) @InProceedings(RaeBru92, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Discovering integrity constraints in deductive databases", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1st Esprit Compulog Network Workshop on Logic Programming and Artficial Intelligence", Year = 1992, Note = "(Extended abstract)" ) @Article(RaeBru92:jrnl, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "A unifying framework for concept-learning algorithms", Year = 1992, Journal = "The Knowledge Engineering Review", Volume = 7, Number = 3, Pages = "251-269" ) @InCollection(RaeBru94:coll, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Interactive Theory Revision", Booktitle = "Machine Learning: {A} {M}ultistrategy {A}pproach", Editor = "Michalski, R.S. and Tecuci, G.", Publisher = MK, Volume = 4, Year = 1994 ) @Article(RaeDze94-AI:jrnl, Author = "De Raedt, L. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "First Order $jk$-Clausal Theories are {PAC}-Learnable", Journal = AI, Volume = 70, Pages = "375-392", Year = 1994 ) @Article(RaeFeyBru92-JETAI:jrnl, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Feyaerts, J. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Acquiring Object-knowledge", Journal = JETAI, Volume = 4, Pages = "213-232", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(RaeKreBru87, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Krekels, B. and Bruynooghe, M. and Van Meir, D.", Year = 1987, Title = "Using {S}hapiro's Model Inference System for concept-learning", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Control Systems of Robots", Pages = "191-196" ) @InProceedings(RaeLav93-ISMIS93, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Lavra\v{c}, N.", Title = "The many faces of inductive logic programming", Booktitle = ISMIS93, Editor = "Komorowski, J. and Ra\'{s}, Z.W.", Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Volume = 689, Pages = "435-449", Note = "(Invited paper)", Year = 1993 ) @InCollection(RaeSabBru91:coll, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Sablon, G. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Using interactive concept-learning for knowledge base validation and verification", Editor = "Ayel, M. and Laurent, J.P.", Booktitle = "Validation, Verification and Testing of Knowledge Based Systems", Publisher = JWS, Year = 1991, Pages = "177-190" ) @TechReport(DehRaeLae94:tr, Author = "Dehaspe, L. and De Raedt, L. and Van Laer, W.", Title = "{CLAUDIEN}: {U}ser's manual", Institution = DEPTCW, Year = 1994 ) @MastersThesis(Dol91:msc, Author = "Dol\v{s}ak, B.", Title = "Constructing finite element meshes using artificial intelligence methods.", School = "Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Maribor, Slovenia", Note = "(In Slovenian)", Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(DolJezBra92-ISSEK92, Author = "Dol\v{s}ak, B. and Jezernik, A. and Bratko, I.", Title = "A knowledge base for finite element mesh design", Booktitle = ISSEK92, Year = 1992 ) @Article(Dze92-Informatica:jrnl, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Learning qualitative models with inductive logic programming", Journal = "Informatica", Volume = "16(4)", Pages = "30-41", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Dze93, Author = "S.~D\v{z}eroski", Title = "Handling imperfect data in inductive logic programming", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence", Pages = "111-125", Publisher = "IOS Press", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(DzeDol92-ISSEK92, Author = "D\v{z}eroski,S. and Dol\v{s}ak, B.", Title = "Comparison of {ILP} systems on the problem of finite element mesh design", Booktitle = ISSEK92, Year = 1992 ) @Article(DzeLav93:jrnl, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Lavra\v{c}, N.", Title = "Inductive learning in deductive databases", Journal = "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering", Volume = 5, Number = 6, Pages = "939-949", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(DzeMugRus92-a, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Muggleton, S. and Russell, S.", Title = "{PAC}-learnability of determinate logic programs", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory", Pages = "128-135", Publisher = ACM, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Fla90-ISMIS90, Author = "Flach, P.A.", Title = "Inductive characterisation of database relations", Booktitle = ISMIS90, Volume = 5, Year = 1990, Publisher = "North-Holland", Pages = "371-378", Editor = "Ra\'{s}, Z.W. and Zemankova, M. and Emrich, M.L." ) @InProceedings(Fla92, Author = "Flach,P.A.", Title = "An analysis of various forms of `jumping to conclusions'", Editor = "Jantke, K.", Booktitle = "Proceedings 3rd International Workshop on Analogical and Inductive Inference", Pages = "170-186", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Volume = 642, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(HumSam91-ML91, Title = "Using inverse resolution to learn relations from experiments", Author = "Hume, D. and Sammut, C.", Year = 1991, Booktitle = ML91, Editor = "Birnbaum, L. and Collins, G.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "412-416" ) @InProceedings(Fla96-a, Author = "Flach, P.A.", Title = "Rationality postulates for induction", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge", Year = 1996, Publisher = MK, Pages = "267-281", Editor = "Y. Shoham" ) @InProceedings(Fla96-b, Author = "Flach, P.A.", Title = "Abduction and induction: inferential and syllogistic perspectives", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the ECAI-96 Workshop on Abductive and Inductive Reasoning", Year = 1996, Pages = "31-35", Editor = "Flach, P.A. and Kakas, A." ) @Article(KinMugLew92:jrnl, Author = "King, R.D. and Muggleton, S. and Lewis, R. and Sternberg, M.J.E", Title = "Drug design by machine learning: The use of inductive logic programming to model the structure-activity relationships of trimethoprim analogues binding to dihydrofolate reductase", Journal = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA", Pages = "11322-11326", Volume = 89, Number = 23, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(KovLavGro92-ECAI92, Author = "Kova\v{c}i\v{c}, M. and Lavra\v{c}, N. and Grobelnik, M. and Zupani\v{c}, D. and Mladeni\'{c}, D.", Title = "Stochastic search in inductive logic programming", Booktitle = ECAI92, Editor = "Neumann, B.", Pages = "444-445", Publisher = JWS, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(LavDze92, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Background knowledge and declarative bias in inductive concept learning", Editor = "Jantke, K.", Booktitle = "Proceedings 3rd International Workshop on Analogical and Inductive Inference", Pages = "51-71", Publisher = SV, Year = 1992, Note = "(Invited paper)" ) @Article(LavDze94-JETAI:jrnl, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Weakening the language bias in {LINUS}", Year = 1994, Volume = 6, Number = 1, Pages = "95-119", Journal = JETAI ) @Article(LavDzePir93:jrnl, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S. and Pirnat, V. and Kri\v{z}man, V.", Title = "The utility of background knowledge in learning medical diagnostic rules", Year = 1993, Volume = 7, Journal = "Applied Artificial Intelligence", Pages = "273-293" ) @MastersThesis(Mal94:msc, Author = "Malfait, B.", Title = "Een incrementele, niet-interactieve aanpak van het {T}heory {R}evision-probleem binnen {ILP}", Note = "(In Dutch)", School = DEPTCW, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(MlaBraPau93, Author = "Mladeni\'{c}, D. and Bratko, I. and Paul, R.J. and Grobelnik, M.", Title = "Using machine learning techniques to interprete results from discrete event simulation", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces", Year = 1993, Pages = "401-406" ) @InCollection(Mor90:coll, Author = "Morik, K.", Year = 1990, Title = "Integrating manual and automatic knowledge aquisition - {BLIP}", Editor = "McGraw, K.L. and Westphal, C.R.", Booktitle = "Readings in Knowledge Acquisition -- Current Practices and Trends", Pages = "213-232", Publisher = EH ) @InProceedings(Mug88-EWSL88, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "A strategy for constructing new predicates in first order logic", Booktitle = EWSL88, Year = 1988, Publisher = PIT, Editor = "Sleeman, D.", Pages = "123-130" ) @InProceedings(Mug90-ALT90, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inductive logic programming", Booktitle = ALT90, Publisher = "Ohmsma, Tokyo, Japan", Year = 1990, Pages = "43-62" ) @Article(Mug91-NGC:jrnl, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inductive logic programming", Journal = NGC, Volume = 8, Number = 4, Pages = "295-317", Year = 1991 ) @InCollection(Mug91:coll, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inverting the resolution principle", Editor = "Hayes-Michie, J.E. and Tyugu, E.", Booktitle = "Machine Intelligence", Volume = 12, Year = 1991, Publisher = "Oxford University Press", Pages = "93-104" ) @Proceedings(Mug91:prcs, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Title = ILP91, Publisher = "University of Porto", Year = 1991 ) @Article(Mug94-JETAI:jrnl, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Predicate Invention and Utility", Journal = JETAI, Volume = 6, Number = 1, Pages = "121-130", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(MugBaiHay89-ML89, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Bain, M. and Hayes-Michie, J. and Michie, D.", Year = 1989, Title = "An experimental comparison of human and machine learning formalisms", Booktitle = ML89, Publisher = MK, Pages = "113-118" ) @InProceedings(MugBun88-ML88, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Buntine, W.", Title = "Machine invention of first order predicates by inverting resolution", Booktitle = ML88, Publisher = MK, Pages = "339-351", Year = 1988 ) @Article(MugRae94-JLP:jrnl, Author = "Muggleton, S. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming: Theory and Methods", Journal = JLP, Volume = "19/20", Pages = "629-679", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(MugFen90-ALT90, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Feng, C.", Title = "Efficient induction of logic programs", Booktitle = ALT90, Publisher = "Ohmsma, Tokyo, Japan", Pages = "368-381", Year = 1990 ) @Article(MugKinSte92:jrnl, Author = "Muggleton, S. and King, R.D. and Sternberg, M.J.E.", Title = "Protein secondary structure prediction using logic", Journal = "Protein Engineering", Volume = 7, Pages = "647-657", Year = 1992 ) @TechReport(MugSriBai91:tr, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Srinivasan, A. and Bain, M.", Title = "{MDL} codes for non-monotonic learning", Institution = "Turing Institute", Year = 1991, Number = " TIRM-91-049" ) @InCollection(Plo70:coll, Author = "Plotkin, G.D.", Year = 1970, Title = "A note on inductive generalization", Booktitle = "Machine Intelligence", Volume = 5, Pages = "153-163", Publisher = "Edinburgh University Press" ) @InCollection(Plo71:coll, Author = "Plotkin, G.D.", Year = 1971, Title = "A further note on inductive generalization", Booktitle = "Machine Intelligence", Volume = 6, Pages = "101-124", Publisher = "Edinburgh University Press" ) @InProceedings(Pom93, Author = "U. 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Muggleton and D. 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Gunetti}, Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial Intelligence", Publisher = SV, Series = CISM, Volume = 363, Pages = "131-146", Year = 1995, Editor = {G. della Riccia and R. Kruse and R. Viertl} ) @Book(BerGun95:book, Author = "F. Bergadano and D. Gunetti", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming: From Machine Learning to Software Engineering", Publisher = MIT, Year = 1995 ) @Article(BerGun94:jrnl, Author = "F. Bergadano and D. Gunetti", Title = "Learning Relations and Logic Programs", Journal = {The Knowledge Engineering Review}, Pages = {}, Volume = 9, Number = 1, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(BerGun93-a, Author = "F. Bergadano and D. Gunetti", Title = "Learning Relations: {B}asing Top-Down Methods on Inverse Resolution", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence", Editor = "P. Torasso", Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Volume = 728, Series = LNCS, Pages = {190-201}, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(BerGun93-b, Author = "F. Bergadano and D. Gunetti", Title = "Inductive Synthesis of Logic Programs and Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation", Editor = "Y. Deville", Publisher = {Workshops in Computing, Springer-Verlag}, Pages = {45-56}, Year = 1993 ) @TechReport(Lin91:tr, Title = "Inventing Necessary Theoretical Terms", Author = "Ling, C.X.", Institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario", Year = 1991, Number = "Nr. 302" ) @InProceedings(StaTauWir92, Author = "Stahl, I. and Tausend, B. and Wirth, R.", Title = " General-to-Specific Learning of {H}orn Clauses from Positive Examples", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the CompEuro92", Year = 1992 ) @TechReport(StaTau94:tr, Author = "Stahl, I. and Tausend, B.", Title = "{MILES} -- {A} Modular Inductive Logic Programming Experimentation System", Institution = "Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart", Year = 1994 ) @TechReport(Sta95:tr-a, Author = "Stahl, I.", Title = "Compression Measures in {ILP}", Institution = "Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart", Year = 1995 ) @TechReport(Sta95:tr-b, Author = "Stahl, I.", Title = "The Efficiency of Bias Shift Operations in {ILP}", Institution = "Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart", Year = 1995 ) @InCollection(Tau92:coll, Author = "Tausend, B.", Title = " Lernen von {H}ornklauseln mit {P}rogrammierschemata", Booktitle = "Maschinelles Lernen - Modellierung von Lernen mit Maschinen", Publisher = "Springer", Year = 1992, Note = "(In German)", Editor = "K. Reiss and M. Reiss and H. Spandl" ) @PhdThesis(Tau94:phd, Author = "Tausend, B.", Title = "Beschr{\"a}nkungen der Hypothesensprache und ihre Repr{\"a}sentation in der Induktiven Logischen Programmierung", School = "Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart", Year = 1994, Note = "(In German)" ) @Article(TecDuf94-KA:jrnl, Author = "Tecuci, G. and Duff, D.", Title = "A Framework for Knowledge Base Refinement through Multistrategy Learning and Knowledge Acquisition", Journal = KA, Year = 1994, Pages = "137-161", Volume = 6, Number = 2 ) @InCollection(Tec95:coll, Author = "Tecuci, G.", Title = "Building Knowledge Bases through Multistrategy Learning and Knowledge Acquisition", Booktitle = "Machine Learning and Knowledge Acquisition: {I}ntegrated {A}pproaches", Editor = KM, Publisher = AP, Year = 1995, Pages = "13-50" ) @InProceedings(TecCalMar95, Author = "Tecuci, G. and Calinoiu, S. and Marcu, D.", Title = "Using Multistrategy Learning as a Framework for Building Knowledge-Based Systems", Editor = "Unger, C. and Letia, I.A.", Publisher = "Technical University of Cluj-Napoca", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Communication ICCU95", Year = 1995 ) @MastersThesis(Dze91:msc, Author = "S. D\v{z}eroski", Title = "Handling noise in inductive logic programming", School = "Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ljubljana", Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(DzeDol91, Author = "S. D\v{z}eroski and B. Dol\v{s}ak", Title = "A comparison of relation learning algorithms on the problem of finite element mesh design", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 26th Yugoslav Conference of the Society for ETAN", Note = "In Slovenian", Year = 1991 ) @TechReport(DzeLav91:tr, Author = "S. D\v{z}eroski and N. Lavra\v{c}", Title = "Learning relations from imperfect data", Institution = "Jo\v zef Stefan Institute", Number = "IJS-DP-6163", Year = 1991 ) @InProceedings(DzeMugRus92-b, Author = "S. D\v{z}eroski and S. Muggleton and S. Russell", Title = "{PAC}-learnability of constrained nonrecursive logic programs", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems", Year = 1992 ) @Article(Fla92-THINK:jrnl, Author = "P.A. Flach", Title = "Logical approaches to machine learning - {A}n overview", Journal = "THINK", Number = 2, Volume = 1, Year = 1992, Pages = "25-36" ) @InProceedings(KijNumShi92-AAAI92, Author = "B. Kijsirikul and M. Numao and M. Shimura", Title = "Discrimination-based constructive induction of logic programs", Booktitle = AAAI92, Publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", Year = 1992 ) @PhdThesis(Lav90:phd, Author = "N. Lavra\v{c}", Title = "Principles of knowledge acquisition in expert systems", School = "Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Maribor", Year = 1990 ) @InProceedings(LavDzePir91, Author = "N. Lavra\v{c} and S. D\v{z}eroski and V. Pirnat and V. {Kri\v zman}", Title = "Learning rules for early diagnosis of rheumatic diseases", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence", Pages = "138-149", Publisher = "IOS Press", Year = 1991 ) @PhdThesis(Mor92:phd, Author = "E. Morales", Title = "First-order induction of patterns in chess", School = "Department of Computer Science, University of Strathclyde", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(MozLav88, Author = "I. Mozeti\v{c} and N. Lavra\v{c}", Title = "Incremental learning from examples in a logic-based formalism", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Learning, Meta-Reasoning and Logics", Editor = "P. Brazdil", Pages = "109-127", Year = 1988 ) @InProceedings(Nib88-EWSL88, Author = "T. Niblett", Title = "A study of generalisation in logic programs", Booktitle = EWSL88, Editor = "Sleeman, D.", Pages = "131-138", Publisher = "Pitman", Year = 1988 ) @TechReport(Qui89:tr, Author = "J.R. Quinlan", Title = "Learning relations: Comparison of a symbolic and a connectionist approach", Institution = "Basser Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney", Year = 1989 ) @InProceedings(Rou90-ECAI90, Author = "C. Rouveirol", Title = "Saturation: Postponing choices when inverting resolution", Booktitle = ECAI90, Editor = "Aiello, L.C.", Pages = "557-562", Publisher = "Pitman", Year = 1990 ) @InProceedings(Rae96-ISMIS96, Author = "De Raedt, L.", Title = "{PAC}-learning logic programs under the closed world assumption", Series = LNAI, Year = 1996, Booktitle = ISMIS96, Editors = "Ra\'{s}, Z.W. and Michalewicz, M.", Volume = 1079, Pages = "531-540", Publisher = SV ) @InProceedings(Dze95, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Learning first-order clausal theories in the presence of noise", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence", Pages = "51-60", Editor = "Aamodt, A. and Komorowski, J.", Publisher = "IOS, Amsterdam", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(DzeTod94, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Todorovski, L.", Title = "Handling real numbers in inductive logic programming", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference", Pages = "143-146", Publisher = "Slovenian Section IEEE, Ljubljana", Volume = "B", Year = 1994 ) @Article(DzeTod95:jrnl, Author = "{D\v{z}eroski}, S. and Todorovski, L.", Title = "Discovering dynamics: {F}rom inductive logic programming to machine discovery", Journal = "Journal of Intelligent Information Systems", Pages = "89-108", Volume = 4, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(FraPag93-AAAI93, Author = "Frazier, M. and Page, C.D.", Title = "Learnability in inductive logic programming: Some basic results and technique", Booktitle = AAAI93, Pages = "93-98", Publisher = MK, Year = 1993 ) @TechReport(Gen95:tr, Author = "Gennaro, R.", Title = "{PAC}-Learning {P}ROLOG clauses with or without errors", Number = "500, Laboratory for Computer Science", Institution = "MIT", Year = 1995 ) @TechReport(Kar94:tr, Author = "Karali\v{c}, A.", Title = "Relational regression: {F}irst steps", Institution = "Jo\v zef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana", Number = "IJS-DP-7001", Year = 1994 ) @Proceedings(Mug92:prcs, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Title = ILP92, Publisher = "ICOT, Tokyo", Year = 1992 ) @Proceedings(Mug93:prcs, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Title = ILP93, Publisher = "Jo\v{z}ef Stefan Institute", Year = 1993 ) @TechReport(MugPag94:tr, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Page, D.", Title = "Beyond first-order learning: Inductive learning with higher-order logic", Number = "PRG-TR-13-94", Institution = "Oxford University, Oxford", Year = 1994 ) @PhdThesis(Plo71:phd, Author = "Plotkin, G.D.", Title = "Automatic Methods of Inductive Inference", School = "Edinburgh University", Year = 1971 ) @InProceedings(Bos95-ECML95, Author = "H. Bostr{\"{o}}m", Title = "Specialization of recursive predicates", Pages = "92-106", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(DimKak95-ECML95, Author = "Y. Dimopoulos and A. Kakas", Title = "Learning non-monotonic logic programs: Learning exceptions", Pages = "122-137", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(SadHar95-ECML95, Author = "K. Sadohara and M. Haraguchi", Title = "Analogical logic program synthesis from examples", Pages = "232-244", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Tau95-ECML95, Author = "B. Tausend", Title = "A guided tour through hypothesis spaces in {ILP}", Pages = "245-259", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(AdeBos95-ECML95, Author = "H. Ad\'{e} and H. Bostr{\"{o}}m", Title = "{JIGSAW}: {P}uzzling together {RUTH} and {SPECTRE}", Pages = "263-266", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Dov95-ECML95, Author = "M.J. Dovey", Title = "Analysis of {R}achmaninoff's piano performances using inductive logic programming", Pages = "279-282", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(DzeTodUrb95-ECML95, Author = "S. D\v{z}eroski and L. Todoroski and T. Urban\v{c}i\v{c}", Title = "Handling real numbers in inductive logic programming: A step towards better behavioural clones", Pages = "283-286", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Fur95-ECML95, Author = "J. F{\"{u}}rnkranz", Title = "A tight integration of pruning and learning", Pages = "291-294", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(JorBra95-ECML95, Author = "A. Jorge and P. Brazdil", Title = "Learning recursion with iterative bootstrap induction", Pages = "299-302", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Pfa95-ECML95, Author = "B. Pfahringer", Title = "A new {MDL} measure for robust rule induction", Pages = "331-334", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Som95-ECML95, Author = "Sommer, E.", Title = "{FENDER}: {A}n approach to theory restructuring", Pages = "356-359", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(WebTauSta95-ECML95, Author = "Weber, I. and Tausend, B. and Stahl, I.", Title = "Language series revisited: {T}he complexity of hypothesis spaces in {ILP}", Pages = "360-363", Booktitle = ECML95, Editor = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Wrobel, S.", Volume = 912, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Bos95-IJCAI95, Author = "Bostr{\"{o}}m, H.", Title = "Covering vs. Divide-and-Conquer for Top-Down Induction of Logic Programs", Booktitle = IJCAI95, Editor = "Mellish, C.S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1194-1200", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(AdeDen95-IJCAI95, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and Denecker, M.", Title = "{AILP}: Abductive Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = IJCAI95, Editor = "Mellish, C.S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1201-1207", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(FriPag95-IJCAI95, Author = "Frisch, A.M. and Page, C.D.", Title = "Building Theories into Instantiation", Booktitle = IJCAI95, Editor = "Mellish, C.S.", Publisher = MK, Pages = "1210-1216", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Coh95-ILP95, Author = "Cohen, W.W.", Title = "Learning to Classify {E}nglish Text with {ILP} Methods", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "3-24", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Kak95-ILP95, Author = "Kakas, A.", Title = "Abduction and Inductive Learning", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "25-28", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Mug95-ILP95, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Stochastic Logic Programs", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = 29, Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(BerGunNic95-ILP95, Author = "Bergadano, F. and Gunetti, D. and Nicosia, M. and Ruffo, G", Title = "Learning Logic Programs with Negation as Failure", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "33-52", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(HorTur95-ILP95, Author = "Horv\'{a}th, T. and Tur\'{a}n, G.", Title = "Learning logic programs with structured background knowledge", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "53-76", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Ide95-ILP95, Author = "Idestam-Almquist, P.", Title = "Efficient Induction of Recursive Definitions by Structural Analysis of Saturations", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "77-94", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(JorBra95-ILP95, Author = "Jorge, A. and Brazdil, P.", Title = "Architecture for Iterative Learning of Recursive Definitions", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "95-108", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(MarVra95-ILP95-a, Author = "Martin, L. and Vrain, C.", Title = "A three-valued framework for the induction of general program", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "109-128", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(MarVra95-ILP95-b, Author = "Martin, L. and Vrain, C.", Title = "{MULT}\_{ICN}: {A}n empirical multiple predicate learner", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "129-144", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(MooCal95-ILP95, Author = "Mooney, R.J. and Califf, M.E.", Title = "Induction of First-Order Decision Lists: Results on Learning the Past Tense of {E}nglish Verbs", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "145-146", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(NieWol95-ILP95, Author = "Nienhuys-Cheng, S-H. and de Wolf, R.", Title = "The Subsumption Theorem in Inductive Logic Programming: Facts and Fallacies", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "147-160", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(MofNum95-ILP95-a, Author = "Mofizur, C.R. and Numao, M.", Title = "Top-down Induction of Recursive Programs from Small Number of Sparse Examples", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "161-180", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(RouSeb95-ILP95, Author = "Rouveirol, C. and Sebag, M.", Title = "Constraint Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "181-198", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(SriMugKin95-ILP95, Author = "Srinivasan, A. and Muggleton, S. and King, R.D.", Title = "Comparing the use of background knowledge by Inductive Logic Programming systems", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "199-230", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Sta95-ILP95-a, Author = "Stahl, I.", Title = "The Efficiency of Bias Shift Operations in {ILP}", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "231-246", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Tur95-ILP95, Author = "Turney, P.", Title = "Low Size-Complexity Inductive Logic Programming: The {E}ast-{W}est Challenge Considered as a Problem in Cost-Sensitive Classification", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "247-263", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Mar95-ILP95, Author = "Markov, Z.", Title = "A Functional Approach to {ILP}", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "267-280", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Sta95-ILP95-b, Author = "Stahl, I.", Title = "Compression Measures in {ILP}", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "280-296", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(MizOhw95-ILP95, Author = "Mizoguchi, F. and Ohwada, H.", Title = "An Inductive Logic Programming Approach to Constraint Acquisition for Constraint-based Problem Solving", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "297-322", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(GeiWys95-ILP95, Author = "Geibel, P. and Wysotzki, F.", Title = "Learning Context Dependent Concepts", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "323-337", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(LavGamDze95-ILP95, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and Gamberger, D. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "An approach to Dimensionality Reduction in Learning from Deductive Databases", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "337-354", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Ari95-ILP95, Author = "Arima, J.", Title = "Automatic Logic Programming under Highly Redundant Background Knowledge", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "355-372", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(MofNum95-ILP95-b, Author = "Mofizur, C.R. and Numao, M.", Title = "Logic Program Synthesis as a Controlled Search through Appropriate Hypothesis Sub-Space", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "373-386", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(ChaBreSol95-ILP95, Author = "Champesme, M. and Br\'{e}zellec, P. and Soldano, H.", Title = "Empirically Conservative Search Space Reductions", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "387-402", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(ZelThoCal95-ILP95, Author = "Zelle, J.M. and Thompson, C.A. and Califf, M.E. and Mooney, R.J.", Title = "Inducing Logic Programs without Explicit Negative Examples", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "403-416", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(PomKon95-ILP95, Author = "Pompe, U. and Kononenko, I.", Title = "Naive {B}ayesian classifier within {ILP-R}", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "417-436", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(AleGyiBos95-ILP95, Author = "Alexin, Z. and Gyim\'{o}thy, T. and Bostr{\"{o}}m, H.", Title = "Integrating Algorithmic Debugging and Unfolding Transformation in an Interactive Learner", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "437-452", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(FenZicWie95-ILP95, Author = "Fensel, D. and Zickwolff, M. and Wiese, M.", Title = "Are Substitutions the Better Examples? {L}earning Complete Sets of Clauses with {F}rog", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Publisher = DEPTCW, Pages = "453-474", Booktitle = ILP95, Year = 1995 ) @InCollection(SamBan86:coll, Author = "Sammut, C. and Banerji, R.", Title = "Learning concepts by asking questions", Editor = "Michalski, R.S. and Carbonell, J.G. and Mitchell, T.M.", Booktitle = "Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach, Volume 2", Pages = "167-191", Year = 1986, Publisher = MK ) @InCollection(Rae96:coll, Author = "De Raedt, L.", Title = "The Inductive Logic Programming Project", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "3-13", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(Wro96:coll-a, Author = "Wrobel, S.", Title = "First Order Theory Refinement", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "14-33", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(Sta96:coll-a, Author = "Stahl, I. ", Title = "Predicate Invention in Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "34-47", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(LavDzeBra96:coll, Author = "Lavra\v{c}, N. and D\v{z}eroski, S. and Bratko,I.", Title = "Handling Imperfect Data in Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "48-64", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(DzeBra96:coll, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Bratko, I.", Title = "Applications of inductive logic programming", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "65-81", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(NedRouAde96:coll, Author = "N\'{e}dellec, C. and Rouveirol, C. and Ad\'{e}, H. and Bergadano, F. and Tausend, B.", Title = "Declarative Bias in {ILP}", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "82-103", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(BerGunNic96:coll, Author = "Bergadano, F. and Gunetti, D. and Nicosia, M. and Ruffo, G.", Title = "Learning Logic Programs with Negation as Failure", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "107-123", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(Coh96:coll, Author = "Cohen, W.W.", Title = "Learning to Classify {E}nglish Text with {ILP} Methods", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "124-143", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(DimKak96:coll, Author = "Dimopoulos, Y. and Kakas, A.", Title = "Abduction and Inductive Learning", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "144-171", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(HorTur96:coll, Author = "Horv\'{a}th, T. and Tur\'{a}n, G.", Title = "Learning Logic Programs with Structured Background Knowledge", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "172-191", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(Ide96:coll, Author = "Idestam-Almquist, P.", Title = "Efficient Induction of Recursive Definitions by Structural Analysis of Saturations", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "192-205", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(JorBra96:coll, Author = "Jorge, A. and Brazdil, P.", Title = "Architecture for Iterative Learning of Recursive Definitions", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "206-218", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(MarVra96:coll, Author = "Martin, L. and Vrain, C.", Title = "A Three-Valued Framework for the Induction of General Logic Programs", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "219-235", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(MofNum96:coll, Author = "Mofizur, C.R. and Numao, M.", Title = "Top-down Induction of Recursive Programs from Small Number of Sparse Examples", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "236-253", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(Mug96:coll, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Stochastic Logic Programs", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "254-264", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(NieWol96:coll, Author = "Nienhuys-Cheng, S-H. and de Wolf, R.", Title = "The Subsumption Theorem in Inductive Logic Programming: Facts and Fallacies", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "265-276", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(SebRou96:coll, Author = "Sebag, M. and Rouveirol, C.", Title = "Constraint Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "277-294", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(Sta96:coll-b, Author = "Stahl, I.", Title = "Compression Measures in {ILP}", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "295-307", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(Tur96:coll, Author = "Turney, P.", Title = "Low Size-Complexity Inductive Logic Programming: The {E}ast-{W}est Challenge Considered as a Problem in Cost-Sensitive Classification", Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Pages = "308-321", Year = 1996, Publisher = IOS ) @InCollection(BaiMug93:coll, Author = "Bain, M. and Muggleton, S.", Title = "Learning optimal chess strategies", Editor = "Muggleton, S. and Michie, D. and Furukawa, K.", Booktitle = "Machine Intelligence", Volume = 13, Year = 1993, Publisher = OUP ) @InCollection(Mug93:coll, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Logic and learning: {T}uring's legacy", Editor = "Muggleton, S. and Michie, D. and Furukawa, K.", Booktitle = "Machine Intelligence", Volume = 13, Year = 1993, Publisher = OUP, Pages = "37-56" ) @InCollection(Mug95:coll, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inverting entailment and {P}rogol", Booktitle = "Machine Intelligence", Volume = 14, Year = 1995, Publisher = OUP, Pages = "133-188" ) @InCollection(BaiSri94:coll, Author = "Bain, M. and Srinivasan, A. ", Title = "Incremental Inductive Logic Programming from Large Scale Unstructured Data", Booktitle = "Machine Intelligence", Volume = 14, Year = 1994, Publisher = OUP ) @InCollection(Dze95:coll, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Inductive logic programming and knowledge discovery in databases", Editor = "Fayyad, U. and Piatetsky-Shapiro, G. and Smyth, P. and Uthurusamy, R.", Booktitle = "Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining", Pages = "118-152", Year = 1995, Publisher = MIT ) @InCollection(Wro95:coll, Author = "Wrobel, S.", Title = "From Balanced Cooperative Modeling to Embedded Adaptivity -- {U}sing Inductive Logic Programming Techniques for Knowledge Acquisition", Editor = "Kodratoff, Y. and Tecuci, G.", Booktitle = "Machine Learning and Knowledge Acquisition: Integrated Approaches", Pages = "115-143", Year = 1995, Publisher = AP ) @InCollection(Wro96:coll-b, Author = "Wrobel, S.", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming", Editor = "Brewka, G.", Booktitle = "Advances in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning", Publisher = "CSLI Publishers", Year = 1996, Note = "(To appear)" ) @Article(BraDze95:jrnl, Author = "Bratko, I. and D\v{z}eroski, S.", Title = "Engineering applications of {ILP}", Journal = "New Generation Computing, Special issue on Inductive Logic Programming", Pages = "313-333", Volume = 13, Number = "3-4", Publisher = "Ohmsha", Year = 1995 ) @Article(BraMug95-CACM:jrnl, Author = "Bratko, I. and Muggleton, S.", Title = "Applications of inductive logic programming", Journal = CACM, Year = 1995 ) @Article(Mug95:jrnl, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Inverse Entailment and {P}rogol", Journal = "New Generation Computing, Special issue on Inductive Logic Programming", Pages = "245-286", Volume = 13, Number = "3-4", Publisher = "Ohmsha", Year = 1995 ) @Article(CohPag95:jrnl, Author = "Cohen, W.W. and Page, C.D. ", Title = "Polynomial Learnability and Inductive Logic Programming: Methods and Results", Journal = "New Generation Computing, Special issue on Inductive Logic Programming", Pages = "369-410", Volume = 13, Number = "3-4", Publisher = "Ohmsha", Year = 1995 ) @Article(KinSri95:jrnl, Author = "King, R.D. and Srinivasan, A.", Title = "Relating chemical activity to structure: An examination of {ILP} successes", Journal = "New Generation Computing, Special issue on Inductive Logic Programming", Pages = "411-434", Volume = 13, Number = "3-4", Publisher = "Ohmsha", Year = 1995 ) @Article(QuiCam95:jrnl, Author = "Quinlan, J.R. and Cameron-Jones, R.M.", Title = "Introduction of logic programs: {FOIL} and related systems", Journal = "New Generation Computing, Special issue on Inductive Logic Programming", Pages = "287-312", Volume = 13, Number = "3-4", Publisher = "Ohmsha", Year = 1995 ) @Article(MizOhw95:jrnl, Author = "Mizoguchi, F. and Ohwada, H.", Title = "Constrained relative least general generalization for inducing constraint logic programs", Journal = "New Generation Computing, Special issue on Inductive Logic Programming", Pages = "335-368", Volume = 13, Number = "3-4", Publisher = "Ohmsha", Year = 1995 ) @Article(BerGunTri93-JAIR:jrnl, Author = "Bergadano, F. and Gunetti, D. and Trinchero, U.", Title = "The difficulties of learning logic programs with cut", Journal = JAIR, Pages = "91-107", Volume = 1, Publisher = MK, Year = 1993 ) @Article(SriMugSte96-AI:jrnl, Author = "Srinivasan, A. and Muggleton, S. and Sternberg, M.J.E. and King, R.D.", Title = "Theories for mutagenicity: {A} study in first-order and feature-based induction", Journal = AI, Year = 1996, Volume = 85, Number = "1,2" ) @Article(AdeRaeBru95-ML:jrnl, Author = "Ad\'{e}, H. and De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Declarative {B}ias for {S}pecific-to-{G}eneral {ILP} {S}ystems", Journal = ML, Pages = "119-154", Volume = 20, Number = "1/2", Year = 1995 ) @Article(Sta95-ML:jrnl, Author = "I. Stahl", Title = "The appropriateness of predicate invention as bias shift operation in {ILP}", Journal = ML, Pages = "95-118", Volume = 20, Number = "1/2", Year = 1995 ) @Article(SabRaeBru94-AI:jrnl, Author = "Sablon, G. and De Raedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M.", Title = "Iterative Versionspaces", Journal = AI, Volume = 69, Year = 1994 ) @Book(Rae96:book, Editor = "De Raedt, L.", Title = "Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming", Publisher = "IOS Press", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Bis92-ECAI92, Author = "Bisson, G.", Title = "Conceptual clustering in a first-order logic representation", Booktitle = ECAI92, Editor = "Neumann, B.", Pages = "458-462", Publisher = JWS, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Bis92-AAAI92, Author = "Bisson, G.", Title = "Learning in {FOL} with a similarity measure.", Booktitle = AAAI92, Publisher = MK, Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(RaeLae95-ALT95, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Van Laer, W.", Title = "Inductive constraint logic", Booktitle = ALT95, Series = LNAI, Volume = 997, Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(DehRae95, Author = "Dehaspe, L. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Parallel Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the MLnet Familiarization Workshop on Statistics, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(DehRae96-ISMIS96, Author = "Dehaspe, L. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "{DLAB}: A Declarative Language Bias Formalism", Booktitle = ISMIS96, Editors = "Ra\'{s}, Z.W. and Michalewicz, M.", Year = 1996, Volume = 1079, Series = LNAI, Publisher = SV, Pages = "613-622" ) @InProceedings(BloRae96-ISMIS96, Author = "Blockeel, H. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Inductive Database Design", Series = LNAI, Year = 1996, Booktitle = ISMIS96, Editors = "Ra\'{s}, Z.W. and Michalewicz, M.", Volume = 1079, Pages = "376-385", Publisher = SV ) @Article(RaeDeh96-ML:jrnl, Author = "De Raedt, L. and Dehaspe, L.", Title = "Clausal discovery", Journal = ML, Year = 1996, Note = "(To appear)" ) @InProceedings(DehBloRae95, Author = "Dehaspe, L. and Blockeel, H. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Induction, Logic and Natural Language Processing", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the joint ELSNET/COMPULOG-NET/EAGLES Workshop on Computational Logic for Natural Language Processing", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(EmdWet95, Author = "Emde, W. and Wettschereck, D.", Title = "Relational instance-based learning", Booktitle = "Fachgruppentreffen der Fachgruppe Machinelles Lernen der GI, FGML'95", Publisher = "University of Dortmund", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Kar95, Author = "Karali\v{c}, A.", Title = "First-order regression: Applications in real-world domains", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Techniques", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Kov94, Author = "Kova\v{c}i\v{c}, M.", Title = "{MDL} heuristic in {ILP} revised", Booktitle = "ICML94 Workshop on Applications of Descriptional Complexity to Inductive, Statistical, and Visual Inference", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(PomKon95, Author = "Pompe, U. and Kononenko, I.", Title = "Linear space induction in first order logic with {RELIEFF}", Booktitle = "Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial Intelligence, CISM Course and Lecture Notes 363", Editor = "Kruse, R. and Viertl, R. and Della Ricci, G.", Pages = "185-220", Publisher = SV, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Bel95, Author = "Bell, S.", Title = "Discovery and Maintenance of Functional Dependencies by Independencies", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases", Pages = "27-32", Publisher = "AAAI Press", Year = 1995 ) @Article(KliMorRie96-ML:jrnl, Author = "V. Klingspor and K. Morik and A. Rieger", Journal = ML, Pages = "305-332", Title = "Learning Concepts from Sensor Data of a Mobile Robot", Volume = 23, Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Bel96, Author = "S. Bell", Booktitle = "Practical Application of Constraint Technology", Pages = "399-416", Publisher = "Practical Application Company", Title = "Deciding Distinctness of Query Result by Discovered Constraints", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(MorBro96-MSL96, Author = "K. Morik and P. Brockhausen", Booktitle = MSL96, Publisher = "AAAI Press", Title = "A Multistrategy Approach to Relational Knowledge Discovery in Databases", Pages = "17-28", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Rae96-MSL96, Author = "De Raedt, L.", Booktitle = MSL96, Publisher = "AAAI Press", Title = "Induction in Logic", Pages = "29-38", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Som96-MSL96, Author = "Sommer, E.", Booktitle = MSL96, Title = "Theory Restructuring: Coarse-grained Integration of Strategies for Induction \& Maintanance of Knowledge Bases", Publisher = "AAAI Press", Pages = "177-190", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Sam96-MSL96, Author = "Sammut, C.", Booktitle = MSL96, Publisher = "AAAI Press", Title = "Using Background Knowledge to Build Multistrategy Learners", Pages = "11-16", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(DzeDehRuc95, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Dehaspe, L. and Ruck, B. and Walley, W.", Title = "Classification of river water quality data using machine learning", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(FraKodGro93-ISMIS93, Author = "Franova, M. and Kodratoff, Y. and Gross, M.", Title = "Constructive matching methodology: {F}ormally creative or intelligent inductive theorem proving?", Booktitle = ISMIS93, Editor = "Komorowski, J. and Ra\'{s}, Z.W.", Series = LNAI, Volume = 689, Pages = "476-485", Year = 1993, Publisher = SV ) @InProceedings(Hel89, Author = "Helft, N.", Title = "Induction as nonmonotonic inference", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning", Pages = "149-156", Publisher = MK, Year = 1989 ) @InProceedings(NedRou93, Author = "N\'{e}dellec, C. and Rouveirol, C.", Title = "Hypothesis selection biases for incremental learning", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium Series workshop on Issues for Incremental Learning", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(Ned92-ECAI92, Author = "N\'{e}dellec, C.", Title = "How to specialize by theory refinement", Booktitle = ECAI92, Editor = "Neumann, B.", Publisher = JWS, Pages = "474-478", Year = 1992 ) @InProceedings(Coh94-AAAI94, Author = "Cohen, W.W.", Title = "Recovering Software Specifications with {ILP}", Booktitle = AAAI94, Pages = "142-148", Publisher = MK, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(RouAlb94, Author = "Rouveirol, C. and Albert, P.", Title = "Knowledge Level Model of a Configurable Learning System", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop", Publisher = SV, Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(DzeTod93-AAAI93WS, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Todorovski, L.", Title = "Discovering dynamics", Booktitle = AAAI93WS, Pages = "125-137", Publisher = AAAIP, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(DzeTod93-ICML93, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Todorovski, L.", Title = "Discovering dynamics: {F}rom inductive logic programming to machine discovery", Booktitle = ICML93, Pages = "97-103", Publisher = MK, Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(GyiPaa95, Author = "Gyim\'{o}thy, T. and Paakki, J.", Title = "Static Slicing of Logic Programs", Booktitle = "Proceedings of AADEBUG'95", Editor = "Ducasse, M.", Publisher = "IRISA/INSA France", Pages = "87-105", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(KokAleGyi96-PAP96, Author = "K\'{o}kai, G. and Alexin, Z. and Gyim\'{o}thy, T.", Title = "Classifying {ECG} Waveforms in {P}rolog", Booktitle = PAP96, Editor = "Reintjes, P.", Publisher = "Practical Application Company Limited", Pages = "173-199", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Tur93, Author = "Tur\'{a}n, G.", Title = "Lower bounds for {PAC}-learning with queries", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(SteHurLew94, Author = "Sternberg, M.J.E. and Hurst, J.D. and Lewis, R.A. and King, R.D. and Srinivasan, A. and Muggleton, S.", Title = "Application of Machine Learning to Protein Structure Prediction and Drug Design", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Colloquium on Molecular Bioinformatics", Year = 1994 ) @InProceedings(Som95, Author = "Sommer, E.", Title = "An approach to quantifying the quality of induced theories", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Machine Learning and Comprehensibility", Publisher = MK, Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Mug93, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Optimal layered learning: {A} {PAC} approach to incremental sampling", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory", Editor = "K. Jantke and S. Kobayashi and E. Tomita and T. Yokomori", Publisher = SV, Series = LNAI, Year = 1993, Pages = "37-44" ) @InProceedings(Ide92, Author = "Idestam-Almquist, P.", Title = "Learning Missing Clauses by Inverse resolution", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems", Year = 1992 ) @PhdThesis(Dze95:phd, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S.", Year = 1995, Title = "Numerical constraints and learnability in inductive logic programming", School = "Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia" ) @PhdThesis(Kov94:phd, Author = "Kova\v{c}i\v{c}, M.", Year = 1994, Title = "Stochastic Inductive Logic Programming", School = "Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia" ) @PhdThesis(Kar95:phd, Author = "Karali\v{c}, A.", Year = 1995, Title = "First order regression", School = "Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia" ) @PhdThesis(Ide93:phd, Author = "Idestam-Almquist, P.", Year = 1993, Title = "Generalization of clauses", School = "Stockholm University, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences" ) @PhdThesis(Bos93:phd, Author = "Bostr{\"{o}}m, H.", Year = 1993, Title = "Explanation-Based Transformation of Logic Programs", School = "Department of Computer and Systme Sciences, Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology" ) @PhdThesis(Ali95:phd, Author = "Ali, K.M.", Title = "Learning Probabilistic Relational Concept Descriptions", School = "Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine", Year = 1995 ) @PhdThesis(Sab95:phd, Author = "Sablon, G.", Year = 1995, Title = "Iterative versionspaces with an application in inductive logic programming ", School = "Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium" ) @PhdThesis(Laa95:phd, Author = "van der Laag, P.R.J.", Year = 1995, Title = "An analysis of refinement operators in inductive logic programming", School = "Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, the Netherlands" ) @TechReport(Var95:tr, Title = "Genetic inductive logic programming", Author = "Var\v{s}ek, A.", Year = 1995, Institution = "ESPRIT III project 6020 deliverable D.LAI.3.6." ) @TechReport(NedRou94:tr, Title = "Specification of the {HAIKU} system", Author = "N{\'e}dellec, C. and Rouveirol, C.", Year = 1994, Number = 928, Institution = "Universit\'{e} Paris-Sud" ) @InProceedings(PomKonMak96-ML96WS, Author = "Pompe, U. and Kononenko, I. and Mak\v{s}e, T.", Title = "An application of {ILP} in a musical database: {L}earning to compose the two-voice counterpoint", Booktitle = ML96WS, Pages = "1-11", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(DzeSchHei96-ML96WS, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Schulze-Kremer, S. and Heidtke, R.K. and Siems, K. and Wettschereck, D.", Title = "Applying {ILP} to Diterpene Structure Elucidation from $^{13}${C} {NMR} Spectra", Booktitle = ML96WS, Pages = "12-24", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Lor96-ML96WS, Author = "Lorenzo, D.", Title = "Application of Clausal Discovery to Temporal Databases", Booktitle = ML96WS, Pages = "25-40", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(BaiSamSha96-ML96WS, Author = "Bain, B. and Sammut, C. and Sharma, A. and Shepherd, J.", Title = "{R}e{D}uce: {A}utomatic Structuring and Compression in Relational Databases", Booktitle = ML96WS, Pages = "41-52", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(LaeDzeRae96-ML96WS, Author = "Van Laer, W. and D\v{z}eroski, S. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Multi-class problems and discretization in {ICL}", Booktitle = ML96WS, Pages = "53-60", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Wie96-ML96WS, Author = "Wiese, M.", Title = "A Bi-directional {ILP} Algorithm", Booktitle = ML96WS, Pages = "61-72", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(EspLatMal96-ML96WS, Author = "Esposito, F. and Laterza, A. and Malerba, D. and Semeraro, G.", Title = "Refinement of {D}atalog Programs", Booktitle = ML96WS, Pages = "73-94", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(BroMor96-ML96WS, Author = "Brockhausen, P. and Morik, K.", Title = "Direct Access of an {ILP} Algorithm to a Database Management System", Booktitle = ML96WS, Pages = "95-110", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(BloRae96-ML96WS, Author = "Blockeel, H. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Relational Knowledge Discovery in Databases", Booktitle = ML96WS, Pages = "111-124", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(AleGyiBos96-ECAI96, Author = "Alexin, Z. and Gyim\'{o}thy, T. and Bostr{\"{o}}m, H.", Title = "Integrating Algorithmic Debugging and Unfolding Transformation in an Interactive Learner", Booktitle = ECAI96, Editor = "Wahlster, W.", Publisher = JWS, Pages = "403-407", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(GeiWys96-ECAI96, Author = "Geibl, P. and Wysotzki, F.", Title = "Relational Learning with Decision Trees", Booktitle = ECAI96, Editor = "Wahlster, W.", Publisher = JWS, Pages = "428-432", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(NieWol96-ECAI96, Author = "Nienhuys-Cheng, S-H. and de Wolf, R.", Title = "A Complete Method for Program Specialization Based on Unfolding", Booktitle = ECAI96, Editor = "Wahlster, W.", Publisher = JWS, Pages = "438-442", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Bos96-ML96, Author = "Bostr{\"{o}}m, H.", Title = "Theory-Guided Induction of Logic Programs by Inference of Regular Languages", Booktitle = ML96, Editor = "Saitta, L.", Pages = "46-53", Publisher = MK, Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(EmdWet96-ML96, Author = "Emde, W. and Wettschereck, D.", Title = "Relational Instance-Based Learning", Booktitle = ML96, Editor = "Saitta, L.", Pages = "122-130", Publisher = MK, Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(GeiWys96-ML96, Author = "Geibl, P. and Wysotzki, F.", Title = "Learning Relational Concepts with Decision Trees", Booktitle = ML96, Editor = "Saitta, L.", Pages = "166-174", Publisher = MK, Year = 1996 ) @InCollection(DieMic86:coll, Author = "Dietterich,T.G. and Michalski,R.S.", Editor = " Michalski,R.S. and Carbonell,J.G. and Mitchell,T.M.", Booktitle = "Machine learning: An artificial intelligence approach", Title = "Learning to predict sequences", Publisher = MK, Volume = 2, Year = 1986 ) @PhdThesis(Dol96:phd, Author = "Dol\v{s}ak, B.", Title = "A contribution to Intelligent Mesh Design for {FEM} Analyses", School = "Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Maribor, Slovenia", Note = "(In Slovenian)", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(EspMalSem93-a, Author = "Esposito, F. and Malerba, D. and Semeraro, G.", Title = "Automated Acquisition of Rules for Document Understanding", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition", Pages = "650-654", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(EspMalSem93-b, Author = "Esposito, F. and Malerba, D. and Semeraro, G.", Title = "Learning Contextual Rules in First-Order Logic", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th Italian Workshop on Machine Learning", Pages = "111-127", Year = 1993 ) @Article(EspMalSem94:jrnl, Author = "Esposito, F. and Malerba, D. and Semeraro, G.", Title = "Multistrategy Learning for Document Recognition", Journal = "Applied Artificial Intelligence", Year = 1994, Volume = 8, Pages = "33-84" ) @Article(KinMugSri96:jrnl, Author = "R.D. King and S. Muggleton and A. Srinivasan and M.J.E. Sternberg", Title = "Structure-activity relationships derived by machine learning: {T}he use of atoms and their bond connectivities to predict mutagenicity by inductive logic programming", Year = 1996, Journal = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", Volume = 93, Pages = "438-442" ) @TechReport(LavDzeGro90:tr, Author = "Lavra{\v c}, N. and D{\v z}eroski, S. and Grobelnik, M.", Title = "Experiments in learning nonrecursive definitions of relations with {LINUS}", Institution = "J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia", Number = "IJS-DP-5863", Year = 1990 ) @Article(Lin94-JAIR:jrnl, Author = "Ling, C.X.", Title = "Learning the Past Tense of {E}nglish Verbs: {T}he Symbolic Pattern Associator vs. Connectionist Models", Journal = JAIR, Year = 1994, Volume = 1, Pages = "209-229" ) @TechReport(Mal93:tr, Title = "Document Understanding: A Machine Learning Approach", Author = "Malerba, D.", Year = 1993, Institution = "Esprit Project 5203 {INTERRID}" ) @InCollection(MicCam94:coll, Author = "Michie, D. and Camacho, R.", Editor = "Furukawa, K. and Michie, D. and Muggleton, S.", Booktitle = "Intelligence 13", Title = "Building symbolic representations of intuitive real-time skills from performance data", Publisher = OUP, Pages = "385-418", Year = 1994 ) @Article(MooCal95:jrnl, Author = "R.J. Mooney and M.E. Califf", Title = "Induction of First--Order Decision Lists: {R}esults on Learning the Past Tense of {E}nglish Verbs", Journal = "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research", Volume = 3, Pages = "1-24", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(Mic80, Author = "Michalski,R.S.", Title = "Pattern recognition as rule-guided inductive inference", Booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", Pages = "349-361", Year = 1980 ) @InProceedings(Pop95, Author = "Popelinsk{\' y}, L.", Title = "Object-oriented data modelling and rules: {ILP} meets databases", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the ECML'95 Workshop Knowledge Level Modelling", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(PopSte95, Author = "Popelinsk{\' y}, L. and {\v S}t{\v e}p{\' a}nkov{\' a}, O.", Title = "{WiM}: A Study On Top-Down {ILP} Program", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the AIT'95 Workshop", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(SemEspMal94, Author = "Semeraro, G. and Esposito, F. and Malerba, D.", Title = "Learning Contextual Rules for Document Understanding", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications", Pages = "108-115", Year = 1994 ) @TechReport(SriMugKin95:tr-a, Author = "Srinivasan, A. and Muggleton, S. and King, R.D. and Sternberg, M.J.E.", Title = "The effect of background knowledge in Inductive Logic Programming: {A} case study ", Year = 1995, Institution = "{PRG-TR}-9-95 Oxford University Computing Laboratory" ) @TechReport(SriMugKin95:tr-b, Author = "Srinivasan, A. and Muggleton, S. and King, R.D. and Sternberg, M.J.E.", Title = "Theories for mutagenecity: {A} study of first-order and feature based induciton ", Year = 1995, Institution = "{PRG-TR}-8-95 Oxford University Computing Laboratory" ) @InProceedings(ZelMoo93-AAAI93, Author = "J.M. Zelle and R.J. Mooney", Title = "Learning Semantic Grammars with Constructive Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = AAAI93, Pages = "817-822", Publisher = "AAAI Press/MIT Press", Year = 1993 ) @InProceedings(ZelMoo96-AAAI96, Author = "J.M. Zelle and R.J. Mooney", Title = "Learning to Parse Database Queries Using Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = AAAI96, Pages = "1050-1055", Publisher = "AAAI Press/MIT Press", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(ZelMoo94-AAAI94, Author = "J.M. Zelle and R.J. Mooney", Title = "Inducing Deterministic {P}rolog Parsers from TreeBanks: {A} Machine Learning Approach", Booktitle = AAAI94, Pages = "748-753", Publisher = "AAAI Press/MIT Press", Year = 1994 ) @TechReport(MicMugPag94:tr, Author = "Michie,D. and Muggleton,S. and Page,D. and Srinivasan,A.", Title = "To the international computing community: {A} new {E}ast-{W}est challenge", Institution = "Oxford University Computing laboratory, Oxford,UK", Year = 1994, Note = "URL: ftp://ftp.comlab.ox.ac.uk/pub/Packages/ILP/trains.tar.Z" ) @InProceedings(BloRae96-ILP96, Author = "Blockeel, H. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Relational knowledge discovery in databases", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "1-13", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(DzeSchHei96-ILP96, Author = "D\v{z}eroski, S. and Schulze-Kremer, S. and Heidtke, K.R. and Siems, K. and Wettschereck, D.", Title = "Applying {ILP} to Diterpene Structure Elucidation from $^{13}${C} {NMR} Spectra", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "14-27", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Fle96-ILP96, Author = "Flener, P.", Title = "Inductive logic program synthesis with {D}ialogs", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "28-51", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(FujYagOza96-ILP96, Author = "Fujita, H. and Yagi, N. and Ozaki, T. and Furukawa, K.", Title = "A new design and implementation of {P}rogol by Bottom-up Computation", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "52-58", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(GamLav96-ILP96, Author = "Gamberger, D. and Lavra\v{c}, N.", Title = "Noise detection and elimination applied to noise handling in a {KRK} chess endgame", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "59-75", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Gon96-ILP96, Author = "Goncalves, M-E.", Title = "Handling quantifiers in {ILP}", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "76-96", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(HorSloTur96-ILP96, Author = "Horv\'{a}th, T. and Sloan, R. and Tur\'{a}n, G.", Title = "Learning logic programs with random classification noise", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "97-118", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(InuKamIsh96-ILP96, Author = "Inuzuka, N. and Kamo, M. and Ishii, N. and Seki, H. and Itoh, H.", Title = "Top-down induction of logic programs from incomplete samples", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "119-136", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(JorBra96-ILP96, Author = "Jorge, A. and Brazdil, P.", Title = "Integrity constraints in {ILP} using a {M}onte {C}arlo approach", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "137-151", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(KokAleGyi96-ILP96, Author = "K\'{o}kai, G. and Alexin, Z. and Gyim\'{o}thy, T.", Title = "Learning Biomedical Patterns", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "152-170", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Mar96-ILP96, Author = "Markov, Z.", Title = "$\lambda$-Subsumption and Its Application to Learning from Positive-only Examples", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "171-190", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(MizOhwDai96-ILP96, Author = "Mizoguchi, F. and Ohwada, H. and Daidoji, M. and Shirato, S.", Title = "Learning rules that classify ocular fundus images for glaucoma diagnosis", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "191-204", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Moo96-ILP96, Author = "Mooney, R.J.", Title = "Inductive Logic Programming for Natural Language Processing", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "205-224", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Mug96-ILP96, Author = "Muggleton, S.", Title = "Learning from positive data", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "225-244", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(MugPagSri96-ILP96, Author = "Muggleton, S. and Page, C.D. and Srinivasan, A.", Title = "An initial experiment into stereochemistry-based drug design using {ILP}", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "245-261", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(NieWol96-ILP96, Author = "Nienhuys-Cheng, S-H. and de Wolf, R.", Title = "Least generalisations under implication", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "262-275", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Pom96-ILP96, Author = "Pompe, U.", Title = "Efficient proof encoding", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "276-291", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(Rie96-ILP96, Author = "Rieger, A.", Title = "Restructuring chain {D}atalog programs", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "292-311", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(SchHerWys96-ILP96, Author = "Scheffer, T. and Herbrich, R. and Wysotzki, F.", Title = "Efficient $\theta$-subsumption based on graph algorithms", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "312-329", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(SebRou96-ILP96, Author = "Sebag, M. and Rouveirol, C.", Title = "Polynomial approximate learning in (constraint) logic programming", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "330-351", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(SriKin96-ILP96, Author = "Srinivasan, A. and King, R.D.", Title = "Feature construction with Inductive Logic Programming: {A} study of quantitative predictions of biological activity aided by structural attributes", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "352-367", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(BaeRae96-ILP96, Author = "Van Baelen, E. and De Raedt, L.", Title = "Analysis and prediction of piano performances using Inductive Logic Programming", Booktitle = ILP96, Editor = "Muggleton, S.", Publisher = "Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology", Pages = "368-378", Year = 1996 ) @InProceedings(NerGio95, Author = "Neri, F. and Giordana, A.", Title = "A Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Concept Learning", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Genetic Algorithms", Publisher = MK, Pages = "436-443", Year = 1995 ) @InProceedings(NerSai95, Author = "Neri, F. and Saitta, L.", Title = "A Formal Analysis of Selection Schemes", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Genetic Algorithms", Publisher = MK, Pages = "32-39", Year = 1995 ) @Article(GioNer96:jrnl, Author = "Giordana, A. and Neri, F.", Title = "Search-Intensive Concept Induction", Journal = "Evolutionary Computation Journal", Pages = "375-416", Volume = 3, Number = 4, Publisher = MIT, Year = 1996 ) @Article(NerSai96:jrnl, Author = "Neri, F. and Saitta, L.", Title = "An Analysis of the Universal Suffrage Selection Operator", Journal = "Evolutionary Computation Journal", Pages = "89-109", Volume = 4, Number = 1, Publisher = MIT, Year = 1996 )