Calendar of ILP-related events

The Fourth International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP94)

September 12 - 14, 1994, Bad Honnef/Bonn, Germany

Call for Papers (Short Version)

General Information

Originating from the intersection of Machine Learning and Logic Programming, Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is an important and rapidly developing field that focuses on theory, methods, and applications of learning in relational, first-order logic representations. ILP94 is the fourth in a series of international workshops designed to bring together developers and users of ILP in a format that allows a detailed exchange of ideas and discussions. Reflecting the growing maturity of the field, ILP94 for the first time will offer a systems and application exhibit as an opportunity to demonstrate the practical results and capabilities of ILP.

ILP94 will take place in Bad Honnef, a small resort town close to Bonn in the Rhine valley and adjacent to the Siebengebirge nature park. Participants will be able to take advantage of Bad Honnef's vicinity to medieval castles and of the new wine season that starts at the time of the workshop.

Submission of papers

Reflecting the broadening scope of the field, ILP94 invites papers covering the three main aspects of ILP, namely inductive data analysis and learning in first-order representations, inductive synthesis of non-trivial logic programs from examples, and inductive tools for software engineering. Please submit four paper copies of your paper to the workshop chair

    Stefan Wrobel
    GMD, I3.KI, Schloss Birlinghoven, 53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany.
    E-Mail:, Fax:+49/2241/14-2889 Tel: +49/2241/14-2670
to be received on or before May 31, 1994. Length of papers should be reasonable and adequate for the topic, but no more than 20 pages. Please use LaTeX if at all possible. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection until July 15, 1994, and camery-ready copy will be due on August 9, 1994. Accepted papers will be published as a GMD technical report to be distributed at the workshop and officially available to others from GMD afterwards. Publication of an edited book is planned for after the workshop.

Program Committee

     Francesco Bergadano (Italy)          Ivan Bratko (Slovenia)
     Wray Buntine (USA)                   William W. Cohen (USA)
     Luc de Raedt (Belgium)               Koichi Furukawa (Japan)
     Jorg-Uwe Kietz (Germany)            Nada Lavravc (Slovenia)
     Stan Matwin (Canada)                 Stephen Muggleton (UK)
     Celine Rouveirol (France)           Claude Sammut (Australia)

Further Information

A full call for papers can be obtained via anonymous FTP from the ML Archive at GMD (server, file /MachineLearning/general/CallsForPapers/ilp94.ascii or .ps). To receive the complete registration brochure as soon as it is available, please send E-Mail to, specifying your name and address, E-Mail, Fax, and (if you know) whether you intend to submit a paper.