23.2.1994 Artificial Intelligence Laboratory ================================== Research in Artificial Intelligence in Ljubljana began in 1972 at the Computer Science Department of the Jozef Stefan Institute (IJS). The laboratory was formally founded in 1979 (initially as AI group). The laboratory is lead by Professor Ivan Bratko, a well known researcher in the AI field with over 100 international publications. His book "Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence" (Addison-Wesley) was translated into major world languages (English, German, Italian, French, Slovenian, Japanese, Russian). In the first 10 years, the emphasis was on theoretical research which provided a solid background for later application projects. In 1982, the development and implementation of AI tools started and soon resulted in practical applications. By now, over 60 projects were completed in different domains, including business and management (e.g. evaluation of investments, projects and enterprises), technical domains (e.g. metallurgy, geology, civil engineering) and medicine. AI laboratory offers commercial versions of empirical and decision making systems as well as expertise - meaning over 150 man-years in this area. The majority of applications are based on Assistant, an inductive learning system, and DEX, a computer aided decision making system. Several other systems are research prototypes indicating practical applicatibility, among them GINESYS, LINUS, m-FOIL, MARCUS, RETIS. These systems have been compared to the best available on the market and have shown performance at or above their level. Members of the laboratory actively cooperate in several faculty activities in Slovenia and abroad. In 1993, the Artificial intelligence laboratory participated in the following projects funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Science and Technology: Automated Knowledge Synthesis, Knowledge Engineering and Expert Systems - Knowledge-Based Systems. The AI laboratory also participated in the following international research projects: ESPRIT III Basic Research Project no. 6020 Inductive Logic Programming, Esprit III Network of Excellence in Computational Logic, and Esprit III European Network of Excellence in Machine Learning. The AI laboratory is the coordinator of the PECO92 project ILPNET - Inductive Logic Programming Pan-European Scientific Network. The Third International Inductive Logic Programming Workshop was organized at Bled in April 1993. The scope of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is in the following topics: (a) Inductive logic programming (b) Probabilistic learning in noisy domains (c) Evolutionary algorithms (d) Integration: multistrategy learning and multiple knowledge (e) Knowledge synthesis for modelling, control, diagnosis and design (f) Knowledge synthesis and decision support Detailed description: (a) Inductive logic programming Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a research area in the intersection of machine learning and logic programming. It aims at a formal framework and practical algorithms for inductive learning in first-order logic. An important aspect of the practical algorithms is the handling of noisy data. The integrated learning system LINUS, that can learn attribute-value and relational descriptions, was used to learn medical diagnostic rules from real-life noisy data. The basic LINUS algorithm was extended with the possibility to introduce new variables, thereby extending the class of ILP problems that can be solved by transforming to attribute-value form, where existing mechanisms can be used to handle noise. The extended algorithm was used to prove the PAC-learnability of ij-determinate and constrained nonrecursive logic programs. A study of noise-handling mechanisms was also conducted in the context of multiple predicate learning. The study also showed that existing ILP systems, such as FOIL and GOLEM, are inappropriate for the problem of learning multiple predicates. A new algorithm, MPL, was developed, which solves many of the problems present in the existing systems mentioned. The ILP system MARKUS, which brings several improvements over MIS, was used to solve problems from software engineering, innovative design and interpreting results of discrete-event simulation. (b) Probabilistic learning in noisy domains Developed methods for handling probablility measures and noise, implemented in systems RETIS, were applied in ecologic modelling, drug design and in particle physics. In eceologic modelling regression trees, constructed by RETIS, were used to predict quantity and growth of algae in the lagoon of Venice. Since genereated knowledge was nontrivial and consistent with expert knowledge we judge that the first results are encouraging. In drug design the biological activity of a drug was predicted from its structural activities. In particle physics, indentification of subatomic paticles on the basis of data obtained from electromagnetic calorimeter was carried out. During the analysis it was foud out that most of the 18 attributes used initially can be omitted without seriously affecting the classification accuracy. USing less attributes yields smaller and more understandable decision trees, which are preferred by the experts. (c) Evolutionary algorithms In 1993, we have continued the investigation of evolutionary algorithms as an optimisation method for solving problems in the fields of dynamic systems control and attribute machine learning. The work resulted in a PhD thesis, in which genetic algorithms have been applied in solving these problems, and several international publications. In the research of methods for dynamic systems control, an interactive genetic algorithm has been developed to tune the parameters of a PID controller to regulate a demanding nonlinear and unstable process on a testing laboratory device. The algorithm performs parameter optimisation through a series of trials on a real-world device. The approach makes it possible to involve the optimality criteria preferred by human operators and improves the results obtained with classical methods from the control theory. A genetic-algorithm-based machine learning system, called Gallus, has also been developed. The system employs the cover algorithm and, given a set of learning examples described by attributes and classes, generates a decision list to classify new examples. Binary encoding of the classification rules is used, and traditional genetic operators crossover and mutation are applied in the evolution of the rules. Experiments on real-world domains have confirmed that a genetic algorithm can well serve as a basis of a machine learning system. (d) Integration: multistrategy learning and multiple knowledge Research in multistrategy learning and multiple knowledge representations has in 1993 moved towards the Japanese project Real-World Computing, and memory-based approach, one of the central areas at IJCAI93 in France. In our laboratory, in-depth modeling of multiple knowledge has been continued and intensified. Formal average-case analyses of multistrategy models strongly indicate that important improvements can be obtained in this way. Formal analyses have been derived especially for two classifiers. With growing number of classifiers, the classification accuracy tends to grow up to a point, and then starts to decrease depending on parameters. At Acroni, Iron and Steel Works, Jesenice, a universal integrating schema has been designed and implemented. For the moment it encapsulates four systems, however, is fully open for integrating other data-compatible systems. Expert systems at Acroni Jesenice have been in regular use for years. The new system has achieved a couple of percent better accuracy in tests and is now in regular use for one year. Functionally similar environment for integrating systems has been designed at the Institute. It integrates around 10 systems for empirical learning, inductive logic programming and statistics. Together, there are around 100.000 lines of original program code. A prototype of an Intelligent Operating Interface (IOI) for VAX/VMS has been designed. It is based on the memory-based approach, and implements some of the properties of the future-generation interfaces. For example, it adapts and learns from the VAX/VMS-user communication. It has shown surprisingly big advantages of the new approach - by extensive use of huge and quick computer memories it is possible to implement many properties of intelligent behaviour. Instead from programs, intelligence stems from huge amounts of data. (e) Knowledge synthesis for modelling, control, diagnosis and design We apply knowledge synthesis techniques to the problems of modelling, control, diagnosis and design of systems, including dynamic systems. Besides being interested in their own right, these sophisticated areas serve for practical verification and evaluation of the developed techniques. Following the idea of using alternative semantics in ILP, the systems QMN and LAGRANGE were developed, which discover qualitative and quantitative laws governing dynamical systems from example behaviours. QMN and LAGRANGE exhaustively search the space of equations over the system variables and their derivatives, testing the validity of equations by using linear regression. They successfully reconstructed the models of several dynamical systems from simulated data. The GOLDHORN system was also developed, which adds to LAGRANGE the capability of handling noisy measurements. GOLDHORN reconstructed the models of two real dynamical systems from measurements of their behaviour. The problem of planning with qualitative models of dynamic systems was defined. It was shown that a QSIM-type model of a dynamic system can be defined in the event calculus formalism, as a domain of abductive planner APEC. A three-phase framework for learning dynamic system control was developed. First, a genetic algorithm is employed to derive control rules encoded as decision tables, without using prior knowledge about the controlled system. Next, the learned rules are automatically transformed into comprehensible form by means of inductive learning. Finally, a genetic algorithm is applied again to optimise the numerical parameters of the induced rules. This framework suggests the decomposition of control synthesis problem, in which learning without prior knowledge as the most time-consuming step remains just for the worst case. Otherwise, control strategy as an intermediate objective can be obtained either by taking into account prior knowledge at the symbol level, or by extracting operator's implicit strategy from the recordings of his/her performance. In our work, both cases have been investigated. Recently, the efforts have concentrated in the domain of container crane control. For this purpose, a numerical simulator as well as a small-scaled physical model have been developed. (f) Knowledge synthesis and decision support In the area of artificial intelligence methods for supporting decision-making processes, the research was focused to the integration of qualitative multi-attribute decision models with the quantitative ones, which are based on numeric attributes and analytically represented utility functions. We developed a new method that automatically transforms quantitative models to their quantitative counterparts. The method retains all the advantages of the qualitative models, such as transparency, comprehensibility, effective knowledge acquisition and explanation, but, on the other hand, considerably improves the sensitivity of models. This is specially important in decision problems that involve a large number of options. The new method was successfully applied in several complex real-world decision-making problems. In the collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia we developed an expert system for the evaluation of research and development projects. In the years 1992 and 1993, about 1500 projects were evaluated by this system. The second problem was the allocation of housing loans, for which a similar system was developed and used to evaluate about 6000 applications for loans. We also developed some other prototype decision support systems for strategic planning, portfolio analysis and classification of waste disposals. ============================================