Schedule for


A Workshop at 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI-96, Budapest

Hungary, August 13, 1996

Each paper is allocated 20 mins, of which 12 mins are allocated for presentation, 5 mins for discussion, and 3 mins on commentators' report.

8:30 - 8:35 Welcome and introduction to the workshop
8:35 - 10:35 Session 1
8:35 D. Gamberger: Induction of Redundant Rules for Medical Applications
8:55 M. Kukar, N. Besic, I. Kononenko, M. Auersperg, and M. Robnik-Sikonja: Prognosing the Survival Time of the Patients with the Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma with Machine Learning
9:15 S. Tsumoto and H. Tanaka: Automated Extraction of Medical Expert System Rules from Clinical Databases
9:35 B. Ster, M. Kukar, A. Dobnikar, I. Kranjec, and I. Kononenko: Experiments with Machine Learning in the Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease Progression
9:55 S. Dzeroski, S. Schulze-Kremer, K. R. Heidtke, K. Siems, and D. Wettschereck: Diterpene Structure Elucidation from 13C NMR Spectra with Machine Learning
10:15 N. Lavrac, D. Gamberger, and S. Dzeroski: Noise Elimination Applied in Early Diagnosis of Rheumatic Diseases
10:35 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 13:00 Session 2
11:00 R. Bellazzi, C. Larizza, and A. Riva: Cooperative Intelligent Data Analysis: an application to diabetic patients management
11:20 M. Bohanec, M. Rems, S. Slavec, and B. Urh: Ptah: A System for Supporting Nosocomial Infection Therapy
11:40 A. Salatian and J. Hunter: ASSOCIATE: An Approach to The Interpretation of ICU Data
12:00 B. Tschaitschian, F. Schmalhofer, J. Schmidt, H. Gertzen, and M. Aschenbrenner: Intelligent Documentation of Adverse Events by Explanation-Based Abstraction
12:20 H.-D. Burkhard, G. Lindemann, S. A. Loening, and J. Neymeyer : Remembering the Unexpected Cases - CBR for Experts in Urology
12:40 E. T. Keravnou: Temporal Abstraction of Medical Data: Deriving Periodicity
13:00 - 14.00 Lunch
14:00 - 16:20 Session 3
14:00 B. Crémilleux and C. Robert: A Pruning Method for Decision Trees in Uncertain Domains: Applications in Medicine
14:20 C. Hausdorf and M. Müller: A Theory of Interestingness for Knowledge Discovery in Databases Exemplified in Medicine
14:40 U. Heuser, J. Göppert, W. Rosenstiel, and A. Stevens: Classification of Human Brain Waves using Self-Organizing Maps
15:00 S. Tsumoto and H. Tanaka: Incremental Learning of Probabilistic Rules from Clinical Databases based on Rough Set Theory
15:20 S. Matwin, R. Rios, and J. Mount: An Explainable-Induction Approach for Diagnosing Retinal Degeneration
15:40 I. A. Pilih, D. Mladenic, T. S. Prevec, and N. Lavrac: Data Analysis of Patients With Severe Head Injury: Outcome Prediction With Decision Trees
16:00 B. Zupan, J. A. Halter, and M. Bohanec: Qualitative Model Approach to Computer Assisted Reasoning in Physiology
16:20 - 16:35 Coffe Break
16:35 - 17:30 General Discussion (Coordinator: N. Lavrac)
17:30 End of Workshop

Blaz Zupan (, last update 15/6/1996