Marko Bohanec

Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: (+386)(61) 1773 309, Fax: (+386)(61) 1251 038, E-mail:

Biographical Sketch

April 29, 1958, Maribor, Slovenia
B.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Since 1981
Researcher at Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Since 1993
Assistant Professor for Information Systems, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj

Research Areas

Decision Support Systems, Multi-Attribute Decision Making, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Machine Learning and Telecommunications.

Long-Term Research Projects

Computer information systems
Information systems and data bases
Information systems and artificial intelligence
Knowledge engineering
Automated knowledge synthesis
Knowledge synthesis from data
Analysis of clynical databases and synthesis of medical knowledge
Methods for developing hierarchical models

Research & Development Projects

Selected Bibliography

  1. Bohanec, M., Bratko, I., Rajkovič, V.: An expert system for decision making, in Processes and tools for decision support (ed. Sol, H.G.), pp. 235-248, North-Holland, 1983.
  2. Efstathiou, J., Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M.: Expert systems and rule based decision support systems, in Computer assisted decision making (ed. Mitra, G.), pp. 165-174, North-Holland, 1986.
  3. Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M., Efstathiou, J.: Ranking multiple options with DECMAK, in Effective decision support systems (eds. Hawgood, J., Humphreys, P.), pp. 49-60, Gower Technical Press, 1987.
  4. Rajkovič, V., Efstathiou, J., Bohanec, M.: A concept of rule-based decision support systems, in Optimization models using fuzzy sets and possibility theory (eds. Kacprzyk, J., Orlovski, S.A.), pp. 292-299, D. Riedel Publishing Co., 1987.
  5. Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M., Batagelj, V.: Knowledge engineering techniques for utility identification, Acta Psychologica 68(1-3), pp. 271-286, 1988, and in Advances in decision research (eds. Rohrmann, B., Beach, R.L., Vlek, C., Watson, R.S.), North-Holland, 1988.
  6. Olave, M., Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M.: An application for admission in public school systems, in Expert systems in public administration (eds. Snellen, I.Th.M., van de Donk, W.B.H.J., Baquiast, J.-P.), pp. 145-160, Elsevier, 1989.
  7. Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M.: Decision support by knowledge explanation, in Environments for Supporting Decision Processes (eds. Sol, H.G., Vecsenyi, J.), pp. 47-57, North-Holland, 1991.
  8. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: DEX: An expert system shell for decision support, Sistemica 1(1), pp. 145-157, 1990.
  9. Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M., Leskošek, B., Šturm, J.: A knowledge-based advising system for choosing sports, in Decision support systems: Experiences and expectations (eds. Jelassi, T., Klein, M.R., Mayon-White, W.M.), Elsevier (North-Holland), pp. 215-224, 1992.
  10. Bohanec, M., Urh, B., Rajkovič, V.: Evaluating options by combined qualitative and quantitative methods, Acta Psychologica 80, pp. 67-89, North-Holland, 1992.
  11. Gams, M., Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B.: Is multiple knowledge beneficial?, in Cybernetics and Systems Research '92 (ed. R. Trappl), World Scientific, pp. 49-56, 1992.
  12. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: Knowledge-based explanation in multiattribute decision making, in Computer aided decision analysis: Theory and applications (ed. Nagel, S.), pp. 189-204, Westport: Quorum Books, 1993.
  13. Gams, M., Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B.: A schema for using multiple knowledge, in Computational learning theory and natural learning systems (eds. Hanson, S.J., Petsche, T., Kearns, M., Rivest, R.L.), pp. 157-170, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994.
  14. Bohanec, M., Bratko, I.: Trading accuracy for simplicity in decision trees, Machine Learning 15, pp. 223-250, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
  15. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V., Semolič, B., Pogačnik, A.: Knowledge-based portfolio analysis for project evaluation, Information & Management 28, pp. 293-302, Elsevier, 1995.
  16. Bohanec, M., Bratko, I.: Representing examples by examples, in Mathematical and statistical methods in artificial intelligence (eds. Della Riccia, G., Kruse, R., Viertl, R.), pp. 221-235, Vienna: Springer-Verlag, 1995.
  17. Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B., Rajkovič, V.: A management decision support system for allocating housing loans, in Implementing systems for supporting management decisions (eds. Humphreys, P., Bannon, L., McCosh, A., Migliarese, P., Pomerol, J.-C.), pp. 34-43, London: Chapman & Hall, 1996.
  18. Demšar, J., Zupan, B., Bohanec, M., Bratko, I.: Constructing intermediate concepts by decomposition of real functions, in Machine Learning: ECML-97 (eds. van Someren, M., Widmer, G), pp. 93-107, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
  19. Zupan, B., Bohanec, M., Bratko, I., Demšar, J.: Machine learning by function decomposition, in Proceedings ICML-97 (ed. Fisher, D.H.), pp. 421-429, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1997.
  20. Bohanec, M., Zupan, B., Bratko, I., Cestnik, B.: A function-decomposition method for development of hierarchical multi-attribute decision models, in Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International Society for Decision Support Systems ISDSS-97, pp. 503-514, Lausanne, 1997.
  21. Bohanec, M., Rems, M., Slavec, S., Urh, B.: Ptah: A system for supporting nosocomial infection therapy, in Intelligent data analysis in medicine and pharmacology (eds. Lavrač, N., Keravnou, E., Zupan, B.), pp. 99-111, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
  22. Zupan, B., Bohanec, M., Demšar, J., Bratko I.: Feature transformation by function decomposition, IEEE Intelligent Systems 13(2), pp. 38-43, 1998.
  23. Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B., Rajkovič, V.: Evaluation models for housing loan allocation in the context of floats, in Context sensitive decision support systems (eds. Berkeley, D., Widmeyer, G.R., Brezillon, P., Rajkovič, V.), pp. 174-189, London: Chapman & Hall, 1998.
  24. Zupan, B., Bohanec, M.: Experimental evaluation of three partition selection measures for decision table decomposition, Informatica 22, pp. 207-217, 1998.
  25. Zupan, B., Bohanec, M., Demšar, J., Bratko I.: Feature transformation by function decomposition, in Feature extraction, construction and selection: A data mining perspective (eds. Liu, H., Motoda, H.), pp. 325-340, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.