Classification tree chaining in data analysis

Understanding of discrete event simulation systems is a difficult task. Our approach involves consultation with a domain expert, and the use of discrete event simulation model and machine learning as tools for the intelligent analysis of simulated system. Current methods for the analysis and interpretation of such systems are restricted to statistical techniques that say much about the reliability of an output, but little about the output inter connectivity. The objective of our work is to improve the ability to interpret the model to the level of explanation that might loosely be described as ``How the simulated system works''. The new interpretation techniques are based on machine learning that includes classification tree chaining. ``How the simulated system works'' is important for a decision maker's understanding of the system in terms of relationships between the various parameters, the utilisation of resources and the location of (potential) bottlenecks. This sort of understanding is important when managing queuing problems in production systems, or when planning a new system. The output from a discrete event simulator was processed as machine learning problem. In these experiments, the simulation output was interpreted by attribute-based learning system Magnus Assistant. The knowledge gained from the machine learning tools was evaluated by the domain expert, who considered that this knowledge contributed to an understanding of the system, and how it might profitably be modified.