Combinatorial optimization in inductive concept learning

Local optimization algorithms, standardly used in combinatorial optimization, can be applied in inductive concept learning. Learning can be defined as search of the space of concept descriptions, guided by some heuristic function. The paper presents learning with stochastic local optimization algorithms (based on Simulated annealing) and deterministic local optimization algorithms (k-opt known from solving the `travelling salesman' problem). These algorithms and some of their combinations have been tested within the Atris shell, and their performance compared on different real-world machine learning problems. The rule induction shell Atris was developed to enable simple use of existing and adding of new optimization algorithms and noise-handling mechanisms, to enable simple `cross validation' experiments, experiments with different attributes considered as class and different attribute subsets used for learning. The main objective of this paper is an empirical analysis of different optimization algorithms and some of their combinations in comparison with a decision tree learning algorithm.