Call for papers

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Special Issue on
Data Mining Techniques and Applications in Medicine

Guest editors:
Blaz Zupan, Nada Lavrac, and Elpida Keravnou

December 1, 1997 Declaration of interest from authors due
(tentative title and authors by e-mail)
February 1, 1997 Full papers received by guest editors
April 1, 1998 Notification of acceptance
May 15, 1998 Final manuscript received
Fall, 1998 Publication of AIM special issue


With the widespread use of medical information systems that include databases which have recently featured explosive growth in their sizes, physicians and medical researchers are faced with a problem of making use of the stored data. The traditional manual data analysis has become insufficient, and methods for efficient computer-assisted analysis indispensable, in particular those of data mining and other related techniques of knowledge discovery in databases and intelligent data analysis.


This special issue will address current techniques and applications of data mining in medicine. While the general goal of applying data mining techniques in medicine is to directly or indirectly enhance the provision of health care, the specific goals are the extraction (discovery) of medical knowledge for diagnosis, screening, prognosis, monitoring, outcomes research, therapy support or overall patient management. Some of the topics relevant to this special issue on data mining (DM) in medicine are:

Submission guidelines

All the manuscripts submitted will be subject to a rigorous review process. Submissions of full papers should be limited to at most 30 pages including figures, tables, and references. The text should be in 12pt font, 1.5 line-spacing (at most 15,000 words), leaving a 3 cm (1.2 inches) margin at each side. You may also use submission guidelines provided by the publisher. Papers must not have appeared in, nor be under consideration by other journals. Papers should start with a title page that includes title, authors and their affiliation, abstract of about 100 words, up to 5 keywords, and the information on the contact author (full address, phone and fax number, e-mail address).

To submitt a paper, please:

Guest editors

Blaz Zupan and Nada Lavrac
Department of Intelligent Systems
J. Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
phone: +386 61 177 3380, +386 61 177 3272
fax: +386 61 125 1038

Elpida Keravnou
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus
75 Kallipoleos Street
P.O. Box 537
phone: +357 2 338 705
fax: +357 2 339 062