RETIS - a Machine Learning System


RETIS is a system for automatic induction of regression trees. Regression trees are used to model a piecewise-linear relation between discrete or continuous attributes and continuous class. RETIS is a system for automatic knowledge acquisition from a given set of examples. The knowledge, induced from examples, is represented in a form of a regression tree. RETIS stands for REgression Tree Induction System. Besides creating regression trees, RETIS also enables post-pruning, interpretation, printing, plotting and testing of the trees and classification of new examples by the induced regression tree. When learning regression trees with RETIS, examples have to be described with a set of attributes. Each attribute has its possible set of values. There are two kinds of attributes: Each example has also associated class value, which is continuous and represents the quantity we want to learn. So, RETIS actually learns a function y(x1,..,xn) which approximates the relationship between the values of the attributes and the value of the class. Each internal node of a regression tree contains a test on a value of an attribute. According to the result of the test, interpretation of the tree proceeds to the left or to the right subtree of the node. A leaf prescribes a value to a function, approximated by the regression tree.

Further Reading

Selected Applications

Estimation of the surface roughness of the workpiece in the steel grinding process.

Described in:
Bogdan Filipic, Mihael Junkar, Ivan Bratko, and Aram Karalic. An application of machine learning to a metal-working process. In Proceedings of ITI-91, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1991.

Modelling of drug characteristics from its molecular properties.

Described in:
Dunja Mladenic and Aram Karalic. Drug design by machine learning: Modelling drug activity. In Proceedings of ISSEK'92 (International School for Synthesis of Expert Knowledge) Workshop, Bled, Slovenia, 1992.

Prediction of quality properties of polyester/cotton yarns from the characteristics of its components.

Described in:
Zoran Stjepanovic, Anton Jezernik, M. Nikolic, and Aram Karalic. A knowledge-based system for prediction of quality properties of polyester/cotton yarns. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 1(1), 1993.

Classification of sub-atomic particles.

Described in:
Irma Sutlic, Aram Karalic, and Igor Mandic. Machine learning in particle physics. In Proceedings of the Second Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK'93, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1993. In Slovene.


RETIS is available as a commercial software. Please download User's manual and free demo version (below). For further information please contact Aram Karalic at RETIS requires IBM PC compatible personal computer with at least 80286 CPU.


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