Aram Karalic

AI Bibliography


Aram Karalic, Ivan Bratko. First Order Regression, Machine Learning 26, pp. 147-176, 1997, Kluwer.

Ivan Bratko, Stephen Muggleton, Aram Karalic. Applications of Inductive Logic Programming . Chapter in R.S. Michalski, I. Bratko, and M. Kubat (eds.), Machine Learning, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Methods and Applications, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 1997. (to be published).

Boris Kompare, Saso Dzeroski, Aram Karalic, Ivan Bratko, Milijan Sisko, Sven Erik Jorgensen. Using machine learning techniques in the construction of models, III. Learning systems with regression, Ecological Modelling, Elsevier. (accepted, to be published)


Aram Karalic. Producing More Comprehensible Models While Retaining Their Performance . In Proceedings of Information, Statistics and Induction in Science - ISIS'96, Melbourne, Australia, 1996, pp. 54-65.

Aram Karalic, Igor Komel, Robert Posel. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering. In Proceedings of the Fifth Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK'96, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1996, pp. 175-178.

Matjaz Gams, Aram Karalic, Matija Drobnic, Pavle Golob. Intelligent Systems and Intelligent Agents. In Proceedings of the Fifth Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK'96, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1996, 147-150.


Aram Karalic. First Order Regression. Ph.D. thesis, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1995.

Aram Karalic. An Algorithm For First Order Regression. In Proceedings of the Fourth Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK'95, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1995.

M. Zuzek, J. Friedrich, B. Cestnik, A. Karalic, A. Zimerman. Optimizacija biotehnoloskega procesa z genetskimi algoritmi in induktivnim ucenjem. In Proceedings of 1st Slovene Chemical Days, Maribor, Slovenia, 27./28. september 1995.

Aram Karalic. First Order Regression: Applications in Real-World Domains. In Proceedings of Artificial Intelliegnce Techniques AIT'95, Technical university of Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, September 18-20, 1995.

Aram Karalic. First Order Induction Using Real-Valued Class and Variables. Presented as a poster at Inductive Logic Programming Worksh, Leuven, Belgium, Semptember 1995.

M. Zuzek, J. Friedrich, B. Cestnik, A. Karalic, A. Zimerman. Medium optimization by genetic algorithm and inductive learning. In proceedings of 7th European Congress on Biotechnology, Nice, France, February 19-23, 1995. (poster)

Mihael Junkar, Aram Karalic, Robert Posel. An Expert System for Prediction of Roughness during Steel Grindingi. In proceedings of the First Slovenian Conference on Management of Innovative Technologies, Bled, Slovenia, 1995. (in Slovene)


Aram Karalic. Relational Regression: First Steps. Technical Report IJS DP-7001, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 1994.


Irma Sutlic, Aram Karalic, and Igor Mandic. Machine learning in particle physics. In Proceedings of the Second Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK'93, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1993. In Slovene.

Dunja Mladenic, Ivan Bratko, and Aram Karalic. Machine Learning in Drug Design. In Proceedings of the Second Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK'93, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1993. In Slovene.

Zoran Stjepanovic, Anton Jezernik, M. Nikolic, and Aram Karalic. A knowledge-based system for prediction of quality properties of polyester/cotton yarns. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 1(1), 1993.

Zoran Stjepanovic and Aram Karalic. Yarn engineering using regression trees method. In Proceedings of international conference Design to Manufacture in Modern Industry, Bled, Slovenia, 1993.


Aram Karalic. Employing linear regression in regression tree leaves. In Proceedings of ECAI'92 (European Congress on Artificial Intelligence), Vienna, Austria, August 1992.

Bojan Cestnik and Aram Karalic. Experiment planning using genetic algorithms and regressional learning. Technical Report IJS DP-6627, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1992. In Slovene.

Aram Karalic. Linear regression in regression tree leaves. In Proceedings of ISSEK'92 (International School for Synthesis of Expert Knowledge) Workshop, Bled, Slovenia, 1992.

Aram Karalic. Employing linear regression in regression tree leaves. Technical Report IJS DP-6450, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 1992.

Dunja Mladenic and Aram Karalic. Drug design by machine learning: Modelling drug activity. In Proceedings of ISSEK'92 (International School for Synthesis of Expert Knowledge) Workshop, Bled, Slovenia, 1992.

Zoran Stjepanovic, Anton Jezernik, M.~Nikolic, and Aram Karalic. A knowledge based system for prediction of quality properties of polyester/cotton yarns. In Proceedings of FIBRICHEM'92 (International Congress on Trends in Development of Chemical Fibres), Bratislava, CSFR, 1992.


Aram Karalic. Induction of regression trees from incomplete data. Master's thesis, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1991. In Slovene.

Aram Karalic and Bojan Cestnik. The bayesian approach to tree-structured regression. In Proceedings of ITI-91, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1991.

Bojan Cestnik and Aram Karalic. The estimation of probabilities in attribute selection measures for decision tree induction. In Proceedings of ITI-91, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1991.

Bogdan Filipic, Mihael Junkar, Ivan Bratko, and Aram Karalic. An application of machine learning to a metal-working process. In Proceedings of ITI-91, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1991.

Aram Karalic. Natural Perception of Visual Information. Technical Report IJS DP-6159, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 1990. In Slovene.

Aram Karalic and Vladimir Pirnat. Machine learning in rheumatology. SISTEMICA, 1(2), 1991.

Aram Karalic and Vladimir Pirnat. Significance level based multiple tree classification. Informatica, 15(5), 1991.


Aram Karalic and Vladimir Pirnat. Experiments with Assistant in rheumatology. Technical Report, IJS DP-5909, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1990.

Aram Karalic and Vladimir Pirnat. Testing of general practitioners' performance in rheumatology. Technical Report, IJS DP-5908, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1990. In Slovene.


Aram Karalic, Alen Varsek, and Renata Zupanc. Regression tree based model of pole-cart system. In Proceedings of ISSEK 89 (International School for Synthesis of Expert Knowledge) Workshop, Udine, Italy, September 1989.

Marjan Krisper, Bojan Cestnik, and Aram Karalic. Constructing heuristic models with inductive learning: Experiments in social science. In Proceedings of IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology for Development) Expert Systems Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 1989.

Matjaz Gams and Aram Karalic. A unifying algorithm for empirical learning. In Proceedings of IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology for Development) Expert Systems Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 1989.

Aram Karalic and Matjaz Gams. Implementation of inductive learning system GINESYS PC. In Proceedings of ETAN 1989, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, June 1989. In Slovene.

Gams Matjaz and Aram Karalic. New empirical learning mechanisms perform significantly better in real life domains. In Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Machine Learning, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, U.S.A., 1989.


Aram Karalic. Implementation of System for Machine Learning GINESYS PC, 1988. B.Sc. Thesis, In Slovene.

Ivan Bratko, Aram Karalic, Tanja Urbancic, and Renata Zupanc. Experiments in pole balancing. In Proceedings of ISSEK 88 (International School for Synthesis of Expert Knowledge) Workshop, Udine, Italy, September 1988.


Aram Karalic. A Cross-Assembler for Motorola Microprocessor M6800, 1987. (in Slovene).


Sergej Hojker, Igor Kononenko, and Aram Karalic. Experiments with machine learning of diagnostic rules for thyroid diseases. In Proceedings of international CAD/CAM symposium, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1986. In Slovene.